🥀make it🥀

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.a few days later.

"Oh come on it'll be a good idea!" Hyunjin insisted, grabbing a hold of Minho's arm and shacking it back and forth.

"It's risky...it could go really badly too"

"It's just a reunion, how bad can it be? Plus we're all old friends, it'll be good to catch up"

"I don't know..." Minho placed his bottle of alcohol straight, lining them up perfectly.

"You and Jisung are doing better right? So what's the big deal?"

"The deal is that-...I left you all behind, and I'm terrified it won't be the same as it was"

"Minho...our relationship didn't change, and now you're all good with jisung, believe me it'll be a night to remember with all of us together"

They looked at each other for a while, a stubborn face on the older one who slowly faded when Hyunjin gave some puppy eyes and a few muttered begs.

"Fine. But you have to warn me in advance"

"Yes! I will I promise, I can't wait" he jumped around and was already on his phone, probably blasting a text message at everyone already.

He wasn't sure about this, not that he didn't want to see them again, but it was the pressure. He had been away for so long, what if it wasn't the same? What if they all got along except for him?

He brushed all those thoughts aside when he saw the smile on Hyunjin's face, making his shoulder tense a bit less.

"It's one night...how hard can it be?"

His phone rang and he immediately picked it up when he saw who it was, trying to act calm.

"Hey" he said joyfully.

"Hey hum...I'm really sorry to ask this, I-I know you're busy and have other things to do, it will only happen one time, I'll even pay you-"

"What do you need Jisung?" Minho smirked, he wanted to make him understand that he could depend on him.

"I...they asked me to do another shift so I can't pick up Kaito from school, Kate can't go either and I'm just stuck here...I'm so sorry to ask this but can you go and pick him up? I'll pay a good-"

"Jisung calm down its alright, I'll go and no need to pay me"

"Are you sure?" He sounded so exhausted.

"Of course...just relax a bit, it's alright"

"Thank you Minho...truly I..." he sounded like he was on the verge of tears and all he wanted to do was run to him and hold him tight.

"I'll take care of it, could you send me the school?"

"Yeah I'll send it..." he still sounded so tense.

"How about..." Minho hesitated. "After your shift you come back home and we can all watch a movie together? You know, relax a bit"

"I don't want to bother you more then I already have-"

"Jisung...take a big breath in for me" he could tell he was about the cry, the tone in his voice, the ache he could feel piling up. Jisung took a shaky breath in, trying to not sound so weak.

"And out..." jisung breathed out and did this a couple of more times until his breathing was becoming normal again.

"Take it easy...I've got your back Jisung"

"Thank you...so much"


Minho arrived in his black mate car, something you wouldn't really see on school grounds. He stepped out with all black clothing, a leather jacket and a pair of sunglasses. Let's just say he got a lot of stares from concerned parents.

He walked up to the main area and entered where an older lady was sat.

"Who are you here for?" She knew he'd never been here before.

"Han Kaito"

"And what is your name?"

"Lee Minho, Jisung couldn't come to pick him up, he should have sent you a word about it"

"Yes...well I'll need to make sure it's really y-"

"Mister knight!" Kaito ran to him and jumped in his arms, Minho catching him by pure luck and pulling him up in his arms.

The lady sighed when she saw the little boy's eyes and pointed towards his locker where all his stuff would be. They headed there, Kaito holding his pinky with his entire hand because it's all that could fit it in. Once they made it, Minho helped him grab all his things and his ears caught some little laughter from the corner of the hall.

A small group of girls and boys were pointing at Kaito, making small laughter and remarks that made the small boy drain of all his colours.

He saw it just as clearly as he did back then, he saw someone being hurt but he had never done anything about it.

That would change today.

"Wait here for me..." he told Kaito before walking towards the small group of kids. They all tensed seing how intimidating he looked, backing away slightly when he bent down at their level.

"Who is he?" One of them whispered.

"I'm Kaito's bodyguard...I also heard that some kids were picking on him...do you happen to know who it was?" This was a mind game, a simple one.


"Mmh...well if you find them be sure to tell me, it's not kind to spread mean words on others...would you like to be in his place? To be picked on for what you like?" They all shook their heads.

It would be useless to punish them for this, he knew that all too well. Making them understand would be the wisest solution.

"Well if you don't know who it is I'll get going, if you see them, maybe you should encourage them to apologize...maybe even say something nice for a change" he got up and saw all of them looking at each other, unsure of what to do or say.

Minho walked back to the small boy and took his bag like it was a feather and they both walked away hand in hand.

He saw Kaito confused as to why they weren't saying anything anymore, so he looked up at Minho calmly and smiled widely.

"Did you use magic?"

"No I just talked to them, don't let the things they say get to you ok?"

"I won't" he smiled and they walked all the way up his car, getting inside of it.

"You want to know the best part?" He whispered.

"What?" The kid whispered back.

"We're watching a movie tonight, you, me and your dad"

The joy that lit the boy's eyes couldn't be described, they had stars in them.


"Yeah, now buckle up"

"I always wanted to have a movie night..." he mumbled and his knees kept balancing back and forth.

Faded cries | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now