🥀made up on your side🥀

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"Everyone needs to run three laps around the field, after that we'll start" the teacher said as he sat down on his comfortable chair. They all started running and Hyunjin dragged Minho towards Jisung, startling the younger one.

"I don't think we've spoken that much before, I'm Hyunjin" the boy held his hand out and Jisung hesitantly gave it as well, shaking it.

"I'm jisung" he replied shortly.

"Yeah I know, Minho talk a lot about you-" Minho hit him in the ribs and groaned, but the boy just kept ignoring him.

"Anyway, enjoy eating my dust" Hyunjin smirked before running off, leaving the two at the back.

"Sorry about him, he can be quite a hand full sometimes" Minho looked at the younger one who was smiling a bit, the side of his mouth lifted more then it was a few minutes ago.

"It's alright, he seems kind"

"He is...so how about my proposition?"

"Minho I told you. It's nothing against you I just don't want to be around anyone..."

"You don't want to or you can't?" He sounded harsher then he intended, making Jisung frown and look at the ground.

"Drop it Minho."

"No, I won't, what are you so afraid of-"

"Shut up!" Jisung yelled and stopped running, making Minho stop as well, shocked to see him so mad at him.

"W-What?" Minho looked at him confused as the rest of the class kept running past them.

Jisung froze up, not daring to look into his eyes.

"You don't sound like yourself..."

"Im terrified Min..." he then saw a tear fall down the younger's eye, small, but noticeable enough for him to spot quickly.

"It's okay..." he walked towards him and Jisung wrapped his arms around his shoulders, burying his face into his chest and small sob coming out of him.

"I-if someone finds out, everything will c-change" he held his shirt tightly, not even caring that the rest of their class was far away now.

"Jisung...you'll be alright, let's just get through this class and we'll figure the rest out later. We can go eat somewhere if you want, to talk about it..?"

"C-could we go skating instead? I need to let out some energy..."

"Sure, do you have a skate park next to your house?"


"Ok, that's good with me, don't worry too much ok? Plus, you look hot when you're shirtless, it distracts away from the bruises"

Jisung chuckled and whipped his tears away, looking up at Minho smiling.

"You're such an idiot sometimes..." he still had his arms wrapped around his shoulder, yet their faces were much closer now.

"Too bad you're stuck with me..."

"You're never letting me go right?" He asked with soft eyes, almost desperate to hear the answer.

"Don't even count on it..." they both smiled and split apart once they could see the other students approaching them.

"Shall we keep running?" Minho smirked.

"After you." Jisung smiled widely.


The younger one kicked the board upwards, trying his best to land on his two feet. He ended up succeeding and sliding with his board on the metal ramp that was steadily on the ground.

Minho watched him let out some steam, sitting back in a calm manner despite having a lot of unresolved emotions inside.

"So are we going to talk?" He finally let out, the air around them closing in.

"About what?" Jisung bluntly replied, knowing very well what he wanted to talk about.

"We've been here for an hour, the sun is going down, I just want to know if you're going to tell me how you feel...?"

Jisung stopped what he was doing and looked at Minho who was sitting on one of the ramps. He kicked his skate up and walked towards him, climbing up to sit next to him and sighed.

"I don't know if I'm ready to talk about it" he let out, feeling the memories of the bruises over his body being imprinted. "It makes me feel noxious, like you'll judge what ever I have to say...or how I think"

"When have I ever judged you? I promise I'm only here to land an ear or help you with what ever I possibly can. We all have things we don't want to talk about."

"Like the...gun in your closet?" Jisung looked away in the distance, feeling Minho's blood run cold while he asked the question and starting up heat up once he was done.

"Yeah...just like that, things we aren't proud of. Things we want to forget and wish we'd never even thought about."

"Could you tell me? Maybe-"

"I cant. You'd run away from me forever if you knew the places my mind went."

"What if I promised I wouldn't?"

Minho raised a brow, he truly thought of himself as a monster, something so cruel and malicious that had went too close to the sun. That got burned and was now living with the consequences.

"Then you wouldn't be able to keep that promise" Minho answered shortly after, but Jisung got out his pinky and nudged it towards him.

"I promise I'll listen to everything, I won't run and I won't judge you for what ever you have to say." He looked serious but Minho still didn't want to ruin a good friendship over something he had tried to do in his darkest times.

"I can't Jisung..."

"If you tell me then I'll open up too, that's another promise that I won't break."

He wanted to refuse above all, reject the offer and never speak of it again, but something in his gut told him otherwise. If this truly was his friend, then he'd stay like he said, even if what he had to say was nothing anyone wanted to hear.

"I..." minho didn't know where he could possibly start.

"Tell me from the beginning, why you bought it" jisung simply said, scooting over to be a bit closer, they legs merely touching.

"I was angry."

"Why were you angry?" It was in a calm manner that he was saying this, but they both knew that inside they didn't know what to expect of each other.

"I had learned about Felix's sexual assault...and maybe something in my heart finally told me it wasn't my fault that he was dead. I could blame someone else. Someone even more disgusting then me."

Jisung nodded and took his hand in his, feeling their fingers clamp together as a form of support.

"Do you still plan on using them?"

That question froze the blood in their veins and they both looked away, heavy breaths displaying.

"No." It was a relief, for both.

"Ok...why do you still have them?"

"I've been wanting to return them for a long time now. It's just that everytime I look at them I...I think of what I could of become"

"Minho...I don't understand what it was for, to scare someone...? To maybe hurt them or to..." he stopped himself from such accusations even though they knew the proximity of the truth.

"Let's say I wanted to hurt whoever had done this to my brother."

"What stopped you?"

"A violin." Minho answered without any hesitation.

Faded cries | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now