🥀all i ever wanted🥀

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Jisung was sleeping on the couch, his head dizzy with all the stress he had to endure. He was in the same house as his wife and he felt like she would stab him in the back any chance she got. She didn't even know about Minho yet, at least not officially.

Minho walked in and sat next to him, making the younger one shift. He sat up and pulled him closer to his chest, wanting to forget.

"Goodmorning, i made you breakfast" he said and handed Jisung a plate of eggs, bacon and toast.

"I love you" he whispered and kissed him gently. Kate was at work, so he could afford to make himself at home for the time being.

"I love you too, now eat up" he rose again and Kaito came running in, a mouth full of eggs and a big smile on his face.

"Can Mister knight stay here forever?" He asked and went to sit next to his dad on the couch.

"I want him to...it's just really complicated."

"Why?" He asked innocently and Minho watched them from afar.

"Well...you see, papa is already married to your mom...and if we split apart, it would be really complicated for you baby. You'd have to move around a lot and it's not what is best for you. Do you understand pumpkin?"

Kaito nodded and looked at Minho, walking to him and pulling on his sleeve so he could whisper in his ear.

"You make my papa happy...can you stay?" He asked sweetly and Minho patted his hair. He could see Felix once more in him, so he teared up and smiled.

"Of course i will, don't even worry about that"

"Good, will you read me stories every night?"

"Better then that. I'll cook for you, play all the games you want, fight anybody that makes you sad, I'll read you every story in your library as many times as you want and...I promise to love you all my life" he crossed eyes with jisung and smiled.

"Like a second papa?"

"Sure kid, now come on, you'll be late for school" he took his bag and grabbed Kaito's small hand.

"Minho, I said I'd go-"

"Lay down for me, it'll only be a minute"

Jisung looked at his son smiling widely when he looked at his lover and he simply melted.

"Okay...we'll talk later" he waved and they both left. He sat in silence again, munching on his food even if he wasn't hungry.

It was peaceful for a few minutes until the door swung opened and closed, revealed a young boy in the doorway, a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Jisung I've got good news" Nicaise said and headed towards him.

"I need good news right now, tell me" he took his coffee mug and drank from it.

"I went to talk with changbin and...we made up, we talked about me moving in with him soon...I can start over for good now."

"That's amazing...I'm happy for you" he held his mug with all his might and seemed way off.

"Is something wrong...? You seem..."

"Tired?" Jisung lifted his gaze.

"No, more sad then tired. Did something happen with Kate?" He raised a brow and hesitantly went to sit next to him.

"Yeah...I told her I knew her secret"

"Oh...I'm so sorry" he lowered his head.

"You knew?" Jisung asked.

"Well...yeah I've been with her almost my entire life, I've seen her grow into it, it's like she can't stop herself anymore"

"I knew for a long time as well..." Jisung got up slowly and Nicaise followed.

"Yeah, being a drug addict is nothing easy" he said and the older one stopped in his tracks.

"What...?" He widened his eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You said you knew her secret?" Nicaise kept his cool even though he was himself panicking inside.

"I knew she was cheating on me...not that she..." he held his breath and looked around confused. "How long." He proceeded.


"How long has she been a drug addict?"

"Long before she even knew you...she's just always been good at hiding it"

Jisung felt his head spin and a knot form in his stomach. He impulsively rushed to his own bedroom he shared with her and started to open random drawers.

"Jisung calm down-"

"It can't be true." He threw things around, opening door after door.

He looked under the bed, behind the mirror.


He looked until the room was a mess and it was barely recognizable anymore.

His hand them touched a plastic bag from under a table and he took it, white powder containing it.

He turned around to look at Nicaise and kept a straight face.

The next thing he knew he heard the front door open, the next second a pair of heels were heard from across the hallway and soon enough at his door.

Kate widened her eyes and dropped the drink she was holding.

They stared at each other for a while before Jisung threw the small bag on the little table in front of him and glared at his wife.

Nicaise slowly made his way out of the room and closed the door, giving both of them the privacy they needed.

"This isn't what it looks like..." she started, but Jisung shook his head.

"The day I married you I was actually happy you know. Happy that I made my family happy, that I made them proud by marrying this...beautiful girl, smart and caring. Because that is what you appeared to be, but I should have known the moment I saw your eyes shine as you say your ring..." jisung chuckled desperately and lowered his head.

"We don't have to do this."

"We don't...but I want to...you make me miserable. Every glare you throw at me, every spiteful comment about how I want to dress...you. Make. Me. Sick." He spat every word out and paused when he was right in front of her with tears in his eyes.

"Jisung..." she let a tear fall but for the first time he didn't listen, he didn't lean into her touch and beg for forgiveness.

He looked her right in the eyes and handed her a sheet of paper from the table.

"I want a divorce."

Faded cries | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now