🥀to know🥀

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A few months later.

The bells rang loudly and echoed on the stone walls of the garden they were in. Kaito ran around in his little suit with a bright smile on his face. He stopped next to Nicaise and pulled on his suit.

"Nicaise! Is Minho finally my dad yet?" He asked and brought a smile on the older's lips. He was wearing a dark blue suit fitted for his slim body and his blue and gold earrings.

"Not yet kid, he has to say the words "I do". Then he'll be your dad"

"But it's taking so long." Kaito whined and looked around, their were so many people he didn't know that were here.

He wondered if his grandparents would come to the wedding, Jisung seemed agitated by it.

The cake had arrived and everyone cheered, all but one, jisung was nervously bitting his nails and looking around to make sure everything was in place. Minho went to his side and kissed his cheek, the younger one finally smiling.

"Stop worrying so much, it's a beautiful day" the older one said.

"I know I know...I can't help but worry"

"That's why I sent jeongin to check with the makeup artist and Chan with the cook. Changbin and nicaise are watching Kaito and all that's left to do with you is take a big breath for me and to look beautiful....which lets be honest you've done that your whole lif-" jisung kissed him and smiled against his lips.

"Thank you Minho..." he said and intertwined their fingers.

The doors of the venu opened and Jisung turned around nervously before looking back at him.

"I know you're worried about your parents coming here..."

"I know they'll come, it's not that I'm worried about. I don't want them to ruin the entire day"

"When they arrive I'll make sure to greet them with you if you'd like?"

"Sure..." he slowly kissed his cheek and looked around at the big crowd around them chatting. Some were from Canada, the fresh smell of snow still on them. Along with them came a couple that sort of killed the mood around them. Jisung could feel them in his back, like two spiders crawling for his skin.

He turned with a neutral expression and bowed at his own parents. Minho caught on and did the same, using his perfect smile.

"I welcome you to the wedding, we can finally meet after so long" Minho said and Jisung sort of shifted uncomfortably. The older one turned to him and gave him a gummy smile, contagious even because Jisung's lip corner tilted when he did.

"Yes, we've been waiting to see this boy our son is going to marry..." they spoke in a way that was hard to read, like if disgust was the primary source of their voice. Jisung wasn't moving in the slightest, his muscles tense as a rock and his mind leaving him.

"Well i am here, thankfully. Jisung would you mind going to see Kaito for a minute? He was looking for you earlier"

Jisung snapped out of it and waited a second before speaking.

"Sure.." he was thankful for getting a change to avoid them but now he knew Minho would be stuck.

"What have you done to my son?" His mother said quickly as soon as Jisung was out of ear range.

"So we're going straight to the point? Good. I've got a few things to say-"

"He was perfectly fine on his own. He had a wife and a child, a little boy. You came and took it from him."

"Expect he wasn't fine...he was depressed and miserable. I never forced your son to do anything, he just snapped out of your spell."

"Your insolence is-"

"I Hope you understand that with a single word I can have you both kicked out. I don't came what you think about me and your son together. I couldn't care less really. This is really important to Jisung so if you have even a bit of decency in you, you can behave for the wedding and make your son happy...after that you're free to throw every insult on my head. All I'm asking for is one day."

They stood in silence and he knew they wouldn't after that, so he left to make his way to Jisung and his kid, the groom seeming far less tense then he was before.


Seungmin kissed Hyunjin's shoulder delicately and hugged him afterwards,

"Love is in the air now..." the taller male said and leaned over him.

"It is...and I've been meaning to ask you...about..." seungmin cut off and looked at the floor.

"About the papers I found on your desk?"

"Y-yes, have you considered it.?"

"I have actually...I already filled out the form. I don't think it'll be very easy but it's worth the shot. To have a happy family." Hyunjin smiled and seungmin nodded, holding his hands.

"So...were really going to adopt a kid together?"

"More then one of possible"

"God I love you"


The bells rang again, summoning them to the big hall they had set up, filled with chairs and beautiful flowers. Minho stood nervously on scene in front and waited for the violin to play, closing his eyes until he could meet Jisung's again.

He had Hyunjin besides him, happily cheering him on and clapping his hands so much their were red.

His whole family was seated and a seat was left opened for his brother.

The music played and Minho felt his heart tighten rapidly. He opened his eyes and set them on Jisung, the only one that mattered. He walked with elegance with his father at his side, taking his hand the whole way there. Flowers from the trees were falling and landing a path for him, leading the younger one to Minho.

Kaito walked in front of his dad and threw little flowers at the floor, his small hands only able to grasp a few of them. Minho winked at him and he went to sit with his grandparents.

Jisung now stood not far from him and they both held hands, not once looking away.

The priest started talking but it was all a complete background noise to the both of them. All they could hear were the violin playing loudly, guiding their smiles and thoughts into one soul.

They spoke their vows, one at a time and Hyunjin couldn't stop crying the whole time. They had been quick with them because their was a lot they would say after, when they would be alone.

"Do you, Lee Minho, take Han Jisung to be your husband?" The priest asked and Minho nodded profusely.

"I do." He said proudly.

"And do you, Han jisung, take Lee Minho to be your husband?"

"I do..." Jisung eagerly took a step forward.

"I now pronounce you husband and-" Jisung kissed Minho and cheers flew in the air around them, along with flowers falling from trees .

They kissed like they would for a very long time.

Yet...Their was one cheer he couldn't hear.

It was distant and yet it still meant everything to Minho.

Felix sat in his chair and clapped, looking at his older brother happy, joyful.

He no longer had tears in his eyes, he was smiling now, accepting the faith he had fallen on.

Minho looked over at the empty seat and smiled, tears in his eyes. He couldn't see him...but he knew he was there, smiling.

"You're right here." Minho whispered.

"I'll always be right here."

Faded cries | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now