I'm Moving Out Prank

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"You can't"


"Don't go"

"Hey guys, Jungkook here and today... We're back with another prank" Jungkook says, laughing.
"So, as you can see... I have my things packed, but in reality, the luggage doesn't have anything but a big stuffed toy in it" Jungkook says, smiling.
"My prank is that I'm going to tell Jimin hyung that I got accepted for a job and that I need to move out to move to another place since it's far" Jungkook says, laughing.

Jimin walks, smiling as he kisses the younger's forehead.
"Why are you dressed up? And what's with the luggage?" Jimin asks and Jungkook gulps.
"Hyung... I got a job" Jungkook says and Jimin smiled at him.

"That's good... Congrats, petal" Jimin says, noticing Jungkook's sad expression.
"Why are you sad?" Jimin asks and Jungkook sighs.
"The place is far and I need to move there" Jungkook says and Jimin frowns.

"You're moving out?" Jimin asks and Jungkook hesitantly nods.
"You can't" Jimin says and the younger turned to him.
"What?" Jungkook says and Jimin shakes his head.
"Don't go" The older says, pouting.

"Hyung... I need to" Jungkook says. Jimin then hugs him, not letting him go everywhere. Jungkook tried again but eventually gave up.
"Okay, okay, it's a prank... Of course I'm not moving out... The job thing is real though, my new job is just near that BBQ shop" Jungkook says and Jimin huffs.

"Okay, okay"

"Okay, okay"

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