Confessions To Each Other

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"I dropped the soap on the toilet"



"Okay, we're gonna confess things that we had been hiding to each other for a long time, warning, some disgusting things would be mentioned" Jungkook says, smiling.
"Okay, so... I once ate the cake you bought, which was only a half... Then I told you that it was not good, so you were forced to throw it" Jimin says, scratching his nape.
"I dropped the soap in the toilet" Jungkook says, making Jimin choke on his saliva.
"You put it back after grabbing it?!" Jimin asks and Jungkook shook his head.
"No? Thats disgusting, I flushed it" Jungkook says, laughing.

"I watched **** when you were away" Jimin says.
"WHAT?!" Jungkook says, eyes wide.
"Okay, okay, I was missing you" Jimin says, laughing.
"DISGUSTING!" Jungkook says, huffing.
"As if we didn't watch it once when we did-" Jimin is cut off as Jungkook covered his mouth.
"Shut up!" Jungkook says, rolling his eyes. Jimin wiggled his brows, winking.

(Sorry if it's a bit short, I'm worried that I wouldn't be able to finish updating my other books as I only update until 12am 😭🖐)

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(Sorry if it's a bit short, I'm worried that I wouldn't be able to finish updating my other books as I only update until 12am 😭🖐)

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