Chapter 5

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Momo's POV

Classes again, I walked downstairs where I saw my Dad and my Sister quietly eating.

I sat down and they both looked at me, I started to eat my breakfast when Nayeon Unnie spoke.

"So you're not going to talk about yesterday?" Dad give her a glare. "Dad it's fine, I'm fine you don't have to worry Unnie Chaeyoung was there and it's my fault" I explained to her.

After some arguments she admitted the defeat, It's true it's my fault.

"By the way Dad, yesterday why are you at school?" Nayeon Unnie asked "Oh I just signed some papers I'm going away for 1week business with the Entertainment in Japan" he explained.

Nayeon smirked "Oh no no I know what's on your mind" I fake cried and they both laughed "Ok Nayeon you can throw a party but no minors allowed and locked my garage I dont want any of them to have sex in front of my car"

"Dad that's gross!" I yelled and they keep laughing at me, "Ok girls I'll be leaving before you get home later, You keep safe Nayeon keep an eye on your sister ok? I'll arrange your party I'll lock my office and my bedroom" Dad stood up and kisses both of us.

"Take care Dad and Thank you love you" Nayeon Unnie said.

We arrived at the school and Nayeon keeps inviting people "Moguri" She called me and I looked at her.

"Invite Chaeyoung and her girlfriend" I just nodded my head.

She left with Jihyo and I walked to Sana's locker.

I slide the chocolate bar to her locker and I walk towards mine.

I find Chaeyoung and Mina flirting "Hey" I said and Mina rolled her eyes "Hey Mo, it's all over the school that your sister is throwing a party" I just nod my head.

"Yeah she's inviting you and Mina" I smiled at Mina but there's no response.

"Momo!" Someone yelled at me when I turned around Dahyun hugged me "Hi Dahyun" I smiled.

I saw Sana looked at us I quickly break the hug, "Hmm you want to walk together?" She asked I looked at Chaeng she nodded in agreement.

Sana's POV

My cousin's seems to be really close with Momo, I opened my locker and saw the familiar Chocolate bar.

I smiled. Wait I smiled? I mean it's a good chocolate.

Someone took it "Really she's obsessed with you" Tzuyu said and Jeongyeon laughed "Yeah she's lucky this chocolate is Yummy" she opened and took a bite.

I want a bite too. They both eat the chocolate that Momo gave me.

"It's for you" Bambam hand me a Ferrero Rocher I smiled how sweet of him right? "Sorry about yesterday babe" he kissed me on my forehead.

Me, Tzuyu and Jeong walked together, Bam said he's going to the comfort room.

I entered the room and saw Momo and Dahyun talking she looked at me and smiled.

"Sana did you get my Chocolate?" She asked "Jeong and Tzuyu ate it" I answered her "Oh do you want an extra" she offered.

I took out the Ferrero that Bam gave me and the smiled left her face, "Oh I see, I'll give you tomorrow"

I sat down and took my phone out, I heard Dahyun said "Can I have her chocolate?" Momo laughed at her.

"No cause I only Made that for Sana ok? I'll buy you later" I smiled am I that special.

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