Chapter 10

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Momo's POV

Sana arrived just on time when I prepared dinner, maybe she's going to let me court her.

I don't wanna assume things but she's nice to me ok. I just really love her.

We finished our dinner and sat on our sofa

"So you wanna talk about what happened earlier?" I asked her.

"Nope, I'm over him" she smiled, ok this is the part where she's going to say she likes me too.

"Momo" she looked at me, Oh My God!

"Yes Sana Yes!" I squealed and hold her hand.

She looked at me confused "Momo, I'm going to ask you if I should date Mino or Kai, I can't choose between them" the smile left my face

"Sana what are you talking about?" I asked her not trying to break into tears, she smiled "When I left earlier Mino asked me to have a date, then Kai asked me too so I'm asking you which one" she said excitedly.

Tears fell down "Momo are you ok?" She asked me trying to wiped my tears.

I shouldn't assume things it hurts really bad, she's just looking at me.

"I thought you'd like me too" I said to her she looked at me coldly "Momo I told you, you don't deserve someone like me"

"Then stop treating me nicely, are you that numb Sana, I thought that I'll be ok once you treat me nice and kind but I started to assumed things Sana and it hurts me" I sobbed

"I'm tired chasing you but I didn't regret anything cause I love you"

"Then stop chasing me, I didn't even ask you to do those things for me stop it Momo you can't have everything, you can't have me you don't meet my standards" she was about to walked out when I grabbed her hands.

"Then I'm going to be the girl you can't have either" I sobbed she just smirked "I didn't want you in the first place" she pushed me away and left my penthouse.

I was crying I can't call anyone except Nayeon Unnie, Jihyo and Dahyun.

They all immediately went and I told them everything, they pity me.

"Momo if you wanted to change, you should stop chasing her starting tomorrow" Jihyo said and I just nod, they sighed.

"Ok ok let's start getting rid of those glasses" Nayeon said and break my glasses, What the fck is wrong with her?

"Unnie! That's my new glasses Oh God that's expensive" I facepalm, "It's fine I'll buy you contact lenses" she smiled sweetly.

"Wanna go to the mall?" Dahyun said, it's late.

"How about this, we'll go tomorrow to the mall Nayeon Unnie and Jihyo can you excuse us for tomorrow's classes" I asked them with my puppy eyes.

"Aish this girl ok ok fine" Jihyo hugged me, after a minutes they all left. Im just with Dahyun.

"You're going to tell her Don't you?" She just smiled and shooked her head "No, I'm fine Sana's fine, I don't want you to suffer Mo and If this plan work then you win cause you're beautiful then you finally have your confidence" I cling into her arm.

"Thank you Dubu, I'm happy I have a friend like you"

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