Chapter 13

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Momo's POV

We arrived at our penthouse, Chaeyoung kept crying and I can't seem to calm her down.

"Chaeng please you should let Mina explain atleast" I said trying to convince her cause apparently Mina was trying to blow up my phone with her calls.

And then we hear banging from the door "Momo! Chaeyoung! I know you two are in there" Mina yelled.

I looked at Chaeng with worried in my eyes "Please just talk to her, or else she's gonna kill me" I plead and she just chuckled but she continue to cry.

I opened the door ready to be slap by Mina but when I saw her she just walked pass through me.

She immediately hugged Chaeng but Chaeyoung didn't hugged back.

"Love what's wrong?" She asked Chaeyoung but she keeps crying.

"Mina I'm sorry, Chaeng I'm gonna tell her" they both looked at me, "Dont Mo" Chaeyoung said but Mina doesn't seem to like it.

"She saw you with a Junior earlier and thought that you are cheating, are you Mina?" I became serious but she just Laughed.

"Oh my God so this is all about that Junior" she continue to laughed "You mean this Junior?" She pointed a picture on her phone.

Chaeyoung just nodded her head and Mina smacked her "Chaeng it's Sunghoon I can't believe you didn't remember him" I just looked at them

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Chaeyoung just nodded her head and Mina smacked her "Chaeng it's Sunghoon I can't believe you didn't remember him" I just looked at them

Mina laughed hard "I'm sorry" Chaeyoung said as she buried her head to Mina's neck.

"I'll leave you two here" I said to ease the awkwardness, Mina muttered a Thank you.

I check my phone and there's a missed call from Sana, I'll ignore this but this is unusual she called me 10 times there must be something wrong.

I called her back after a few ring she answered "Momo" she sobbed.

And that's when it kicked in, There's something wrong with Sana I swear If that guy hurt her I'll not hesitate to punch another guy again.

"Sana where are you?" I asked her as I grabbed my keys, I didn't bother to call Chaeng to tell her I'm leaving.

"At the Park near the fountain" she hanged up I know she's still crying.

When I reached to the Park I saw her with her puffy eyes, I ran towards her and Hug her.

"Sanashii what happened?" She just looked at me and cried, "Sana please talk to me"

"He broke up with me" she said, it's like what? Few hours since they got together now they broke up.

"Sana you don't actually love him don't you? Why are you crying for a guy that you dated like a few hours" I told her but she cried harder

"It's not that, I don't love him" She wiped her tears, "He broke up with me cause my dad called me" she stopped talking to check if I'm still listening.

"Yeah continue" I just said, "Dad cut off my black card, he said I humiliated him because of what happened at school with Bambam" I looked at her confused.

"So you're crying because you don't have money?"  She smacked my arm, "I'm crying cause basically that boy used me for my Money and my Dad basically kicked me out without any ability to rent a house because he cut off my card" she cried that people in the park starts to looked at us.

"Stop crying Sana let's go home for now" I lead her to my car.

On our way home the silence filled in.

And then I hear her cry again "Sana what's the problem this time"

"He's going to transfer me to Seoul U"

I stopped my car.

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