Chapter 26

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Momo's POV

We're now at the JYPU front gate, all the students are with their parents including my friends parents.

"So how do we get in?" Sana chuckled "Oh Auntie" I saw my aunt along with Jihyo "Aren't you coming inside?" She asked "It's fine Auntie I'll just wait Unnie" I answered her.

They went inside and it's just me and Sana "Momo!" we turned around and saw Nayeon and Jeongyeon along with Jeong's parents "Go first Jeong" she smiled.

"So we are the ones without parents?" She laughed and we laughed too We can't go inside without our parents so we're stuck here.

"Sana" we heard a small voice we turned around and saw Sana's Dad waving at her "A-appa" Sana stuttered "Sana" he hugs Sana.

"I'm sorry darling I'm here now ok stop crying" he looks at us.

"Good morning Mr. Minatozaki" we bowed to him "This must be you friends" he said, "This is Nayeon and this is her sister Momo, My girlfriend" we both looked shocked.

Sana why now??? "I'm sorry what?" He said "I said this is Momo dad, my girlfriend" she clearly said.

"Oh Hi Nice to meet you, sudden confession bit shocked" he smiled "Where's your parents?" He asked the both of us "Oh he's not here yet" we just smiled.

We didn't even talk to father about how can we get it "We'll get going now see you inside Nayeon, Momo" he bid goodbye.

Sana just wave signaling to talk to me later.

"So how can we get in?" Nayeon Unnie said "Just call dad" I sighed, we walked through the gate "Hey where's your guardians?" The guard said.

"They are not here so let us in" Nayeon bravely said "No you can't" he strongly said.

"Let them in I'm their guardian" we turned around and saw Dad "Ugh I don't need you" I was shocked at Nayeon's statement, she walked out on us and proceed inside.

"What's wrong with your sister?" Dad asked "I don't know dad maybe on period" I just shrugged.

The meeting started, I walked towards Nayeon who's just sitting beside Jihyo "Unnie that's not very nice of you" I said referring on her attitude earlier.

"What? He's just saying that we are his daughters, maybe he created this meeting just so this can excuse him for announcing us" she explained "So what then?" I'm trying to see her point.

"So what? You knew how much power he holds and if the whole entire school knew about this, about us they're definitely gonna treat us extra special 'VIP' I must say" she rolled her eyes emphasizing the word VIP.

"Oh and let me introduce you my Daughters Park Im Nayeon and Park Hirai Momo" they all looked at us including Sana's Dad.

"This is what I mean" Nayeon said as she walked out on everyone, I just bowed to them showing respect.

The meeting ended and the students keeps saying sorry to me like how they are sorry about bullying me.

Dad walked towards me with the smile on his face "No don't give me that look dad, see what happens now, Unnie is out of nowhere the students keeps treating me special and you knew we hated attention and yet you did it for your own" I cried, Sana saw me and grabbed me .

"We're going now Mr. JYP" she bowed.

I just sobbed the entire evening and Sana is here to comfort me.

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