Chapter 23

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Momo's POV

We walked hand in hand, the students keeps gossiping "Babe don't mind them" she hold my hand tight.

We reached our locker and our friends looked at us like we owe them something.

"Mind to explain this" Mina pointed our hands, "Mina, Sana and I are together" she smiled. They all supported our relationship.

We entered our class and there is Dahyun "Heyy I heard about you guys congratulations" she both hugs us.

The class started, we're in the middle of the class when someone opened the door. It's Dad.

"Good Morning Mr. Park" we all bowed to him, "Good morning Im here to observe so just continue the class and Don't mind me" he sat at the corner we both looked at eachother.

Sana hold my hand I mean I didn't tell father about us, yet.

"Sana we're in class" I told her and try to pay attention "Babe I'm bored let's go out" she said.

"Sana let's focus ok?" I caressed her cheeks and she just smiled and started to write on her notebook.

The class ended, father keeps looking at me "Ms. Hirai Ms. Minatozaki, come to my office" he lead us to his office.

"Sit down" we obeyed him, "Are you two together?" He asked I was about to denied it but Sana answered.

"Yes Mr. Park, we're together" she holds my hand, "Dad I mean Mr. Park it's not-" Sana cut me off "Wait dad?" Dad laughed.

"It's not funny Dad, babe let me introduce you to my father. Sana this Park Jin Young my father, Father this is Sana my Girlfriend" Dad smiled at her.

"Nice to finally meet you Sana, my daughter talked about you last time you both are in trouble" he chuckled, meanwhile my Girlfriend is too stunned to speak.

"W-wait you mean? JYP is your father? Like father? Oh my God Nice to meet you sir" she bowed to my father like isn't she the cutest?

Father shaked her hands "Please take care of my daughter Sana, and please call me Dad I won't mind" he winked at my girlfriend.

"Thank you sir I mean Dad thank you" She looked so happy and so am I, looking at my father and the girl I love get along.

We walked through the cafeteria the murmur never stops, "Babe can you keep it a secret for now? I really don't like to get attention because I'm the daughter of the School's owner"

She just nodded happily, we reached to our table where we find our friends already eating.

We talked some more before we head to the class, I told Sana I need to go to the bathroom real quick.

"You!" Bambam grabbed my collar "Tell me did you fck her already?! How fast can she replace me with a piece of trash" I flinch of how his hands hold my arms.

"Tell me! Answer me!" He yelled Infront of my face, "Let go now Bam" we both turned around and saw Jeongyeon with Jihyo.

Jeongyeon dialed someone on her phone "Go to the girls comfort room you might want to see this"

"And why would I let go?" He gripped once more that made me yelled in pain.

"Let go Bam" I cried "No unless you admit you already fck Sana" he laughed.

Jeongyeon just stared and Jihyo don't know what to do "3, 2, 1-" Jeong counts.

And there it is my Girlfriend came running towards us, "You fcking bitch!" She punched Bambam and now on the floor bleeding.

"No. One. Ever. Dared. To. Touch. My. Girl" she said between punches, I grabbed her waist trying to stopped her.

If anyone knew about this my father will tell everyone who Am I.

Bambam was now unconscious bleeding on the floor.

"Tell everyone about this and you're dead" Sana grabbed my hand and lead me to the auditorium.

"Sana why would you do that?" I asked her, "Because I don't want anyone touches you, are you hurt love?" She asked me.

Suddenly she becomes soft.

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