Chapter 27

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Momo's POV

"Momo your father's calling me" I heard Sana said I turned around to face her, she hand me her phone I don't know if I should Answer.

But the next thing I did all I hear was "Momo come home please Nayeon is nowhere to be found" is he crying?

"I better get going babe, I'm starting to worry about my sister can you call Jeongyeon if Nayeon's there with her?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

I got home and there it is my father was indeed crying I ran towards him "Dad what happened? Have you contact Nayeon Unnie?" I asked him and he just shooked his head.

And if you're wondering how long did I stay at Sana's after that incident, it's been a week I don't have any contact with my two members of the family.

I received a text from Sana that Nayeon is in Japan with Dahyun, I dialed her number "Sana what the fck is that? Dahyun didn't even call me and tell me that she's fcking taking my sister to Japan" Dad looked at me.

"That's it I'm going to Japan, you; you stay here don't cause any trouble" Dad said grabbing his car keys and wallet "You started this!" I yelled.

"Calm down Honey I'm coming ok" Sana hanged up.

I freshened up and when I open the door Sana was there, she walked up to me and pecked my cheeks.

"Please don't stress out Momo, I'm here ok? Nayeon's ok and please don't hate my cousin" she hugged me tight I sit on her lap and kisses her.

She deepened the kiss, I moan and started to kiss her neck "Hmm Momo stop please you know what will happen, we will both lose control if you continue" Sana said, she's right.

I looked at her and cupped her cheeks "Are you ready?" I asked her she smiled at me "My Momo becomes brave, so confident" she giggled.

I blushed at her statement "Stop it" I smiled at her "Are you also ready Mo?" She asked me back.

I nodded my head and we continued to kiss.

There was a loud banging at my door I looked who's beside and it's Sana, my girlfriend and I made love.

"Stop fcking around Momo Sana! Let's have breakfast!" I heard Jeongyeon's voice, I realize that we're still naked.

"Coming!" I yelled back "Oh you sure are" Jeongyeon said I can feel her smirk.

"You sure are" I heard a whispered and it's Sana She kissed my neck "Stop teasing me babe" I blushed.

"Put some clothes and let's have breakfast"

1,935 likesHiraiMomo last night was fun<3 @Sanatozaki View 189 commentsJeong96 please you don't have to say that 👁️👄👁️Tzutzu come down for breakfast now I'm hungryMinaMyoui @chaengchaeng I want a sleep over too 😡

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HiraiMomo last night was fun<3 @Sanatozaki
View 189 comments
Jeong96 please you don't have to say that 👁️👄👁️
Tzutzu come down for breakfast now I'm hungry
MinaMyoui @chaengchaeng I want a sleep over too 😡

We walked through our dining room and they all looked at us with a smirked.

"What? Don't act like you didn't do it" Sana rolled her eyes, we all laughed. Our whole squad is here.

"Nayeon Unnie have you settle things with father?" I asked and she nodded "Yeah don't worry now we're ok and he'll call you later" she smiled.

"Have you guys been official?" Chaeng asked referring to Nayeon and Jeongyeon.

"If she wants to" Nayeon said and Jeongyeon cracks a smile "Really? Oh my God Chaeyoung you're my angel" Jeongyeon hugs my sister and we both awwe.

"Hey take me on a date ok" Nayeon Unnie said and Jeongyeon happily nodded.

"Iloveyouuuu" Sana whispered on my ear.

"Iloveyouuuu Sanashii" I kissed her cheeks that automatically turned red.

We returned to our room, Michaeng went on their house Datzu went to do projects, Jihyo is prolly on a date with that man named Daniel and 2Yeon went on their date.

I lie down and cuddled up with my girlfriend "Sana are you happy?" I asked her she just sighed "Of course I am, I have a perfect life, perfect face perfect body perfect in everything" she answered.

"And a Perfect Girl, How can I not be happy?" She kissed my forehead.

"Momo I love you and I don't regret anything because to me You're perfect I don't even care if you go back from being nerd because I love you and that's the most important thing, you're the most important thing" she said I sobbed and she just laughed at me.

"I was just asking if you're happy" I wiped my tears away she just giggled and pulled me into a hug.

"I love you too Sanashii I don't regret and I must say that you are worth everything"

We kissed till we fall asleep and had a perfect day.

The End.

Author's Note:
Hi everyone! I'm sorry for ending this story I was just so busy and I can't keep you waiting, I love you guys thank you for supporting my stories. I will write again soon maybe next next week? Who knows 🤪

I love you and STAN TWICE 🤍🤍🤍

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