Chapter 25

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Momo's POV

We're now at my house having dinner with my dad and Nayeon unnie.

"So Sana when are we going to meet your parents? I mean I know them I have your enrollment papers" he laughed, Sana looked at me.

"Hmm I really don't know sir, but I'll try to fit in their schedule" she sadly smiles, Sana told me that she's always by herself her parents can't seem to have time with her

"Fit with a what? Schedule? You are their daughter, why would you need a schedule?" Dad asked, maybe he's new to this even though he's always absent for me and Nayeon.

He always makes sure he makes enough time, "They're always busy" My girlfriend simply said, "Dad it's fine I understand Sana" I wanted to cut this of.

"So who attends your meetings?" Dad seems to intrigued about Sana's whole situation, "Dad stop now" Nayeon Unnie tried to stop Dad from talking.

"It's fine Nabong, my butler are the ones who's attending my meetings dad" Sana said to my father.

He thinks silently "Ok I understand, let's continue finish your food kids" he smiled like nothing happened.

Me and Sana went to her house and as usual her parents are not there, "Baby I'm sorry about my Dad" I cuddled up with her.

"It's fine Mo, I wanted to be transparent towards your father I want him to trust me, us" she kissed my forehead and grabbed her phone.

"Oh My God" she gasped I looked at her "What happened?" I asked her "Look at your phone"

I took my phone and saw an email from school , it's an announcement.

Dear Students of JinYoungPark University,
We would like to announce that we are having a general meeting with your parents regarding with the upcoming Graduation Ceremony, we are inviting your parents in this important event. Please provide a proof of Related Relationship.
P.S. You're not allowed to enter JYPU without your guardian.
Thank you -Park Jin Young

We both sighed "What are we gonna do?" Sana asked "Try to call your parents Sanashii" I tapped her back.

She dialed her parents number after a few rings they answered, "Dad did you received the School's email?" She asked.

"Just have them fake a document" I heard her dad said, she looked at me and a single tear left her eye.

"Why can't you just make time for me just once?! Is it hard? Am I not important?!" She yelled and end the call.

"Sana calm down" I hugged her while she cry, "I just want them to there for me I don't even need any of this material things yes it satisfy me but why can't they just give attention? A little bit of attention" she cried.

My baby is crying and I can't do anything but hug her I can't even do anything or stop with the whole meeting thing.

"I'm sorry Sanashii" I kissed her forehead "It's fine I just need you, I love you" she hugged me and pecked my lips.

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