Chapter 18

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Sana's POV

It's foundation day, as usual a lot of people came every foundation day the outsider can come to the school and participate in every event here.

Well if you're asking where am I, I'm here sitting in the bench waiting for my friends.

Speaking of friends, Mina arrived with Chaeyoung, Tzuyu with Dahyun and Jihyo, Jeongyeon's flirting with Nayeon.

And Momo? She's nowhere to be found. "Sana you're singing today?" Oh yeah every year I sing an original song, it's my hobby the music club wants me in but I don't want any club

I just nodded my head "You remember the song I wrote the other day? Signal?" Mina just nodded her head while she take a bite on her hotdog sandwich.

"I'm gonna sing the few parts" I just simply said "Is it for Momo?" Jihyo asked I just smiled, yes it's for her but how can she see it if she's not even here.

"Guys we're here" Oh my God she's here wait what? We're? I turned to looked at her and yeah she's with Somi.

"Hi guys" this Somi I really don't like her simply because I'm jealous and Momo is mine.

They take a sit "Guys I think I should let you know that Somi is courting me" Oh God control Sana just control yourself.

"Wow congrats Somi and goodluck with my sister" Nayeon said, Momo shoot a glared to her.

"Sana you're up next" we turned around and saw the coordinator calling for me.

"Well wish me luck" I raised my two eyebrows and smiled.

I fixed my microphone and choose a spot that I can clearly see Momo.

"Ahem hmm This song, I wrote this for the girl I like" They all looked at Momo well she's the first girl I like and everyone knows.

Did she just blushed Oh my God I can feel my cheeks heating up.

The instrumental starts to play.

"I send you a sign, send you a signal I must let you know I send you a sign, send you a signal...

But it doesn’t work at all I give you a glance and keep throwing hints

But you don’t understand You really get me so frustrated I really don’t know why

Once again I gather up the courage I send you a sign, send you a signal"

Momo looked at me I can't read her eyes like I'm used to, I know how she reacts when she's happy, sad or even Mad but now I can't.

"No matter what glance, gesture or expression I give It’s no use, nothing works You just don’t get it, do you"

I turned to looked at Somi and yes I'm satisfied with her expression I can see she's pissed off right now.

"What more can I do to express how I feel Didn’t realize it at first, but at some point I started to like you, silly

How could you be so unaware

When will you stop being so obtuse,

Treating me only as a friend That is not what I want"

And there's Momo I saw her smiled my Baby just smiled, I finished my song and everyone stand up to give me a massive applause.

"Thank you everyone, Hirai Momo can I talk to you for a second?" I asked her and crowd just go wild.

I stepped down from the stage and Momo greeted me with a hug "Sana that's a great song" I smiled.

"Thank you Momo I wrote that for you silly" I tapped her head "Ahem" we both turned around and saw Somi, "Can I talk to you Sana?" She said.

SIGNAL (SaMo)Where stories live. Discover now