Chapter 24

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Momo's POV

"Yes I'm fine Sana" I told her even though Bambam's hand marked on my arms.

She just hugs me "I love you" she whispered.

My eyes widened "What did you say?" She just smiled.

"I realized that I'm completely falling for you, I promise to protect you Momo and I know you'll take care of me I love you please catch me" she pressed her lips on mine

She deepened the kiss, we're basically making out on the School's auditorium.

We stopped we both know that this is not the best place to lose our virginity.

We both clean ourselves and laughed at eachother "I love you Momo" she pecked my lips once more

"Momo!" We heard Mina yelled at the hallway "Yes?" Momo replied.

"They are releasing the top students, let's look at the bulletin board" she lead us to the open ground where the students looks at the bulletin board.

There it is My name was the first second was Mina and third was Jihyo, as usual.

But I'm extra happy cause I get to celebrate with my girlfriend.

Nayeon Unnie walked towards us "Momoring Congratulations!" She squealed and hugged me tightly.

"I met your father Nayeon-ie" Sana said "Oh hope he's cool" Nayeon said and Sana just laughed.

"When will I meet your father Nabong" Jeongyeon pouted "Soon Jeong just continue to court Nayeon worth the risk I guess" Sana said and we all laughed because she looks so nervous.

"Wanna celebrate with me?" I asked Sana, "Of course I'm happy to celebrate your victory love" she pecked my lips.

We just watched movie and eat some food, cuddle and make out.

We just watched movie and eat some food, cuddle and make out

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Sanatozaki simping forever ily.
View 297 comments
Dexter936 Is that the nerd senior? Ok simping for her too🤪😍
NayeonIm Momo buy me some snacks when you get home
Kalel@yes you have a beautiful girlfriend mind to share? 😏

I laughed at the comments and to Sana's reaction, she's really pissed right now.

"Hey that's mean don't laugh" she pouts, I pecked her lips "I really like when you're jealous baby"

"Just become nerd again they'll take you away from me if don't go back from being nerd" she pouts once again, cute.

"Babe chill I'm only yours ok? Don't mind them" I cuddled up with her.

"Promise?" She looks at me and I smiled "I promise Sanashii"

1,927 likesHiraiMomo iloveyou <3View 167 commentsJeong96 sweet @NayeonIm what about us? :((Chaengchaeng still whipped momoTzuyuChewy dubu let's go on a date @DahyunieKim 😉

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HiraiMomo iloveyou <3
View 167 comments
Jeong96 sweet @NayeonIm what about us? :((
Chaengchaeng still whipped momo
TzuyuChewy dubu let's go on a date @DahyunieKim 😉

"Does Tzuyu like Dahyun?" I asked Sana, she just shrugged.

"I don't know babe, maybe she has crush on Dubu" well all my friends are gay.

I don't know if Jihyo is.

"You want to stay babe?" Sana asked well it's a bit late and I don't want her to drive me this late

"Yeah but can I borrow some of your clothes babe?" I'm still on my casual.

"Of course you can go fix yourself just grab anything you there baby" We kissed some more before I entered her bathroom.

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