Chapter 16

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Sana's POV

I grab his arm and lead him to the front door "You're not going to court Momo!" I pushed him, I don't know why I'm acting this way.

"You're not the one who's going to decide, Momo said I can court her!" He yelled back, Momo's trying to stop me but she can't I'm too strong.

"No! You're not going to court her! I'll fcking break your face if I see you again near her" I shut the door and saw Momo sitting on the floor.

I approached her but she ran to her room.

I opened her door and there she is laying down on her bed crying, "Momo I'm sorry"

"No! You're not sorry Sana! Why can't just leave me alone, I'm trying to move on from you. Entertain someone else then you came here trying to ruin everything!" A tear came running down my cheeks. "I'm not trying to ruin anything Mo, I'm sorry"

"I don't understand myself, I'm starting to miss you, I'm trying to hold back my feelings but you're the one who made me feel special and no one else Momo, I'm used to you fetching me; giving me foods. You're taking care of me" I cried.

"I don't want to assume things Momo, I just think that you're doing this for the sake of our friendship" I let out a big sigh, I don't know if our feelings are still mutual But I got to be honest with her.

"Momo, I don't know if you already moved on but, I'm starting to like you Momo I'm sorry that it took me so long to realize but I like you I really Like you" I confessed but she kept silence.

I walked out and she didn't even called me back, I guess this is what you called Karma Sana.

I reached Mina's house admitted defeat.

I saw Dahyun standing in front of Mina's house.

"Dubu what are you doing here?" I asked her, "Guess what?! You're going back to JYP University! And I'm picking you up you're going home and here" she hand me my black card, she really is brave I guess Dad really liked her. I mean I don't have any grudges towards Dahyun she's the perfect child. I love her.

But I'm planning to stay at Seoul U to avoid Momo but guess that will not happen.

I woke up early in the morning, I prepared breakfast for that to make it up.

He sat down looking at the breakfast that I cooked for him, I hand him his black coffee.

"Sana darling, Im sorry" he said, I just smiled "It's nothing Dad, I still love you"

I walked through the hallways and the students started to look at me, well I'm back btches.

"Sana!" Tzuyu, Jeong and Mina ran to hugged me. "Hi" I said to them.

We saw Momo and Chaeyoung walked passed us, Chaeyoung kissed Mina and whispered something. "Well let's go guys" Mina just said.

I sat down on my desk, I saw Momo and Dahyun talking I just keep quiet.

This is a torture, I like you Momo please just let me in again.

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