Chapter 19

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Sana's POV

Me and Somi walked to the garden where only few students are there.

"What are your intention with Momo?" She asked I chuckled on her question "Don't you think that I should be the one asking you that? You just met Momo last week and decided to court her"

"Somi let me ask you, what are your intentions with Momo, cause if you're asking me I like her everyone knows I like her" She just looked me.

"I'm playing with her, come on Sana I know you after you broke up with Bambam you played around and you also hurt Momo. To be honest I just used her to get close with Chaeyoung I used her cause I have a crush on Chaeyoung, Chaeng didn't even know me cause you know I'm the school nerd like Momo and Chaeng she's like you like her girlfriend"

"After she changed because you basically hurt her I got an Idea, you're dumb Sana well Momo's not that hard to get and-" I couldn't control my anger this time I pushed her to ground and started to punch her.

"Sana No!" Momo grabbed me by my waist.

Momo's POV

Mina and Chaeng grabbed my hands "Where are we going?"

"To follow them duh" Mina rolled her eyes, Oh yeah I know they are just worried we saw them talking, decided to hide on a bush.

"To be honest I just used her to get close with Chaeyoung I used her cause I have a crush on Chaeyoung, Chaeng didn't even know me cause you know I'm the school nerd like Momo and Chaeng she's like you like her girlfriend

After she changed because you basically hurt her I got an Idea, you're dumb Sana well Momo's not that hard to get and-" we heard Somi's statement and just saw her on the ground with her nose bleeding.

"Sana No!" I yelled and grabbed her waist, I'm pretty strong I know

"What?! Oh no I know that you'll probably side her and believe her because you fcking saw the way I punched her, You know what Im done" I didn't say anything.

"You fcking btch! Stay away from Momo or I'll break your face on the point that you'll need a surgery" Sana is Mad and I'm scared, she walked out on us.

"Sana Wait!" I'm about to follow her but a sudden scream I heard.

"You btch!" Mina was pulling Somi's hair while Chaeyoung trying to get Mina to stop.

"Momo care to help!" Chaeyoung yelled and I ran and pulled Somi away from Mina, well if you're asking if We get the attention; Yes.

The crowd started to murmur, We all walked out before we can the Principal caught us.

"You, You You! and You!" She pointed the four of us.

"What on earth were you thinking?!" The Principal yelled, after a few minutes the door sprung open. Revealing my Sister, Sana and the rest of the squad.

"Sharon, Somi Call your parents, and you Momo and Chaeyoung Call your parents" the Principal ordered.

"Miss can we all settled here without involving the girl's parents, I'll make sure to look after them after this incident" Jihyo said the Principal take a minute to think.

"Ok, this is your warning the next time I caught you you'll be all expelled here" Sana chuckled at the Principal.

"You can't expelled us here, only JYP himself can do that" She said the Principal was about to say something when the door open again.

We all bowed, it's Dad "What's happening here?" We all looked down.

The Principal explained everything, "I see, It's a warning but I'm here to report this boys I caught them smoking weed please add more security right now" Dad said, we all said goodbye.

"Ms. Hirai Ms. Im" Dad called us we both turned around and saw his serious face "I'll talk to both of you later"

"Are we on trouble?" I asked Nayeon Unnie, "We definitely are".

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