Chapter 20

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Momo's POV

We're right here at our house, the chef serves our dinner we're now just waiting for father.

He arrived from work and sit silently.

"So care to tell me what happened Momo?" He asked, well I can't lie now because he'll not trust me again. I started to explain everything to him.

Nayeon just eating in silence, "You're friends, especially the girl you like Momo seems to get you into trouble often" me and Nayeon Unnie looked at eachother.

We knew what he's about to say "Dad it's not necessary to avoid them, They did nothing to harm us trust me" Nayeon Unnie said.

I know what she mean, if Dad wants us to avoid them that means she can't see Jeongyeon.

"This is your last chance Nayeon, Momo I won't ask you to avoid them if something happen again. But I'll let the whole school know what you are and you're not some students who can they bully anytime" Dad said as he wiped his mouth and stand up

"I'm going to bed, Take care my girls" he kissed our foreheads and head upstairs.

Next morning I fixed my self, I still haven't talk to Sana.

I should let her know that I heard the whole thing, Nayeon Unnie is waiting for me.

We arrived at the school and as usual the gossip about us is still fresh.

"Momo" I turned around and saw Chaeyoung with Mina, "Hi Chaeng, Hmm Mina did you see Sana?" I asked her.

"Oh? Her? She's not going to school today, she said she had fever" Mina said. My Sana is not feeling well.

They all gone to their classes, actually I'm late for my first subject. I don't know maybe I should skip school today.

The next thing I know Im at Sana's doorstep, I rang the bell and waited for a few seconds

The maid greeted me and told me Sana's upstairs.

I knocked on Sana's door and she told me to come in.

"Sana Hi, I brought some medicine and fruits" I greeted her, she's just laying on her bed.

"Momo what are you doing here? Did you just skip class?" I just rubbed my back of my neck, embarrassed.

"It's fine ok, Come here sit" she tapped her bed and I obeyed her

"Hmm aren't you mad Sanashii?" I asked her and she just chuckled, "You know Momo I don't really know why should I be Mad, or maybe I don't have the energy to be mad right now"

"Sanashii you don't have to worry if I believe Somi, because I heard the whole thing and I believe you Sanashii, I like you and I don't know why I keep rejecting you because in the first place I'm the first one who's chasing you. Maybe I'm just afraid that you'll hurt me again" A tear ran down through my cheeks, and Sana wiped it.

"Momo I like you and I know I denied my feelings but believe me I like you and I'll do everything just to make you mine" she kissed my forehead head.

"Sana you don't have to do anything" I said and she looked at me concerned.

"I'm yours Sana, I'll be forever yours" I hugged her and Faced her.

Our faces are inches apart, this will be my first kiss if ever Sana initiate first.

She cupped my cheeks and slowly kissed me.

"You're mine now Momo and I'm yours"

We both Smile as we lay down holding into eachother.

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