Chapter 14

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Momo's POV

"What do you mean transfer?" I looked at Sana but she's crying for God sake, "Don't you understand?! I'm transferring!" She burst out crying.

I started my car again and go home, I opened our penthouse and I saw Mina and Chaeyoung cuddling.

Sana ran towards to Mina "Sana I'm sorry, what's your plan?" Mina seems to know it already.

"I don't know Mina I don't have anything, it's just me and my phone with this pair of clothes" she sobbed, Me and Chaeyoung both looked to eachother.

"I'll give you my extra money for you to rent an extra apartment" Chaeyoung said, Sana just smiled at her "Thank you babe but I'll take Sana with me" Mina said.

"But she don't have any money with her take this Sana" Chaeyoung took out her 500,000 ₩

"Chaeng you didn't have to" Sana's about to refused but Chaeng spoke "Use it as your allowance to your new school"

Mina and Sana did go home. It's a long day tomorrow.

We walked through the cafeteria, I heard some of the students gossip about Sana's sudden transfer.

"Mina are you gonna fetch Sana?" I asked her, "Yes I'm gonna be quick Chaeng and I have a date" she said chewing her food.

"How is she Tzu?" Mina said "She called me earlier apparently our Queen B has been bullied in her first day" they all looked at me.

"Fetch her Mo, I know you can protect Sana" Jeongyeon said I looked at my older sister and she just nodded her head.

After classes, I ran towards my Lamborghini and head to Seoul U.

I parked my car in front of the gate I saw the students started to looked at me.

"Sana!" I called her not minding the students who keep looking at me, she looked up and saw me.

This is a Goddess how can anyone bully such a beauty.

This is a Goddess how can anyone bully such a beauty

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Sana's POV

Momo picked me up, this Beauty do I like her?

The students turned their attention to us I'm not blaming them just looked at Momo she's perfect in everyway the way she fixes her jacket.

The students turned their attention to us I'm not blaming them just looked at Momo she's perfect in everyway the way she fixes her jacket

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Her abs are showing off, "Sana Sana" I came back to my senses Momo's here Infront of me.

"M-Momo? What are you doing here?" She looked at the back I guess she sense the bully, "I came here to pick up my girlfriend" I don't know but I blushed at her statement.

Alexa glared at us "Wow I didn't know the transferee have a rich girlfriend" Momo glared at them.

"Stop it or I'll report you to the headmaster" this girl where is this braveness coming from?

Alexa and her squad just left.

"Are you ok?" I didn't bother to answer her and just walked towards her car.

While on our way to Mina's house she asked me "Why did you get bully in your first day Sana?" I just looked down.

"I don't know, cause I have sandwich for lunch? Glasses? Or they just like to bully me" I heard her let a sigh.

"You have money right? Chaeyoung gave her money right? Why don't you let yourself eat something nice?"

"I'm trying to budget my money Momo, I can't let just rely on my friends and you I can't just rely on you and Mina" I don't want to cry how many times she saw me crying I can't let her see me crying again.

"It's fine with me Sana, can you get my bag at the back" she said, I grab her back and she ordered me to open it.

She stopped her car, we're at the park.

She opened the door and head to the park to sit.

She took out the Bento box and hand it to me, "Eat now Sana I made that for you" I looked at her, She's not the Nerd who's head over heels for me a week ago.

She's the girl that made me feel special, and she's the girl who let me to be just myself. I just smiled.

I think I like her.

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