Chapter 10: A New Challenger Appears!

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Everyone started to run away in fear as the skeletal dragon started to move forward. Thinking quickly, Saitama started to look around to check if anyone is in danger.

Genovia stood back up and she started to attack the dragon with the purple energy that she used on the other dragon. The energy dissipated when it got close to the dragon.

Genovia: "Impossible!"

Meanwhile on the other side of the Kingdom

Jack, the hero, and his party were currently standing nearby a inn while eating their lunch. Gwen was sitting decently far away from the two as she ate her meal.

Nadia: "So hero, what shall we do today?"

Jack chewed his food and swallowed.

Jack: "We should probably buy more armor and weapons, then seek an audience with the King"

Nadia's face darkened.

Nadia: "My father? Shouldn't we do that another time? Speaking of time, how long will this filthy elf be with us?"

She pointed a Gwen who was currently using a napkin to clean her mouth.

Jack: "Not that long honestly"

*She would have been a good harem member too but she is too faithful. She always talks about her family and nothing else. It's pretty annoying. Plus, Nadia hates her so not all is lost*

(If you didn't know, the bottom text with the stars means he is talking to himself)

A huge explosion in the distance shook the ground causing cracks to appear in the ground. At the same time, many dragons flew over the area as people ran into buildings to take cover.

Nadia: "Dragon Parade!? Now!?"

A dragon dropped from the sky and landed on the street. This dragon had full golden scales with a single horn in the middle of its head. It slowly set its sights on Jack.

Dragon: "Hero!!!"

A female voice was heard coming from the dragon. It flapped its wings a bit to get rid of the debris and dust surrounding her.

Dragon: "You die today, for I am Princess Scarlet! The daughter of King Zeezer!"

Jack: "You're his daughter......"

Nadia walked beside him with an angered glare.

Nadia: "You scaled disgrace! How dare you mess up our lunch!"

Scarlet: "Blame your failure of a father to have not made peace with our kingdom!"

Nadia: "At least I have a father!"

The air grew cold as everyone looked at Nadia in shock.

Nadia: "Speechless-"

Nadia couldn't even finish as she was whipped by Scarlets's tail, launching her through a house. Jack quickly equipped his strongest armor and his signature sword.

Jack: "Gwen! Give me covering fire!"

Gwen nodded and took out her bow with some arrows. Jack ram forward and slashed Scarlet's leg. She grunted and swiped at Jack, only to have him roll under her attack. She opened her mouth while letting spews of smoke come out of her mouth.

The smoke started to turn red signaling that flames were about to come out. Before it could be released, an arrow lodged itself into her throat between her tough scales, canceling out her fire. Scarlet shook her head around causing the arrow to come out. Scarlet then set her sights on Gwen.

Scarlet: "You rat!"

Scarlet turned to Jack and slammed him to the ground with her talons. Jack attempted to get up but Scarlet bit down onto his stomach and chucked him into a nearby church.

Gwen put 6 arrows onto her string and released the arrows. Scarlet flapped her wings creating a small wind barrier that knocked the arrows out of the sky. Scarlet zoomed towards Gwen, but the elf dived to the side causing Scarlet to slam into a building.

She pulled her head out the wall and quickly attempted to bite Gwen. She jumped back to dodge but was slapped out of the air by some wind from Scarlet's wings. Gwen's bow fell out of reach as she hit the ground. She attempted to run to her bow but Scarlet stomped the ground which caused her to trip.

Scarlet looked with amusement as she prepared her fire. Gwen closed her eyes ready for the attack but it never came. Gwen opened her eyes to see a familiar demon general standing in front of her blocking the fire.

Scarlet stopped her fire to see Cinder standing there with narrowed eyes.

Scarlet: "A demon? Here?"

Cinder: "Leave or die dragon"

Scarlet: "You may be a demon, but with your king dead, you're nothing!"

Cinder: "The death of my lord has opened my eyes to what this world really is about..."

Cinder summoned a pure black sword and got into a stance.

Cinder: "Last chance dragon. Stand. Down."

Scarlet growled and charged forward.

Cinder: "Very well. Prepare to meet your end."

Cinder charged forward as well.

With Saitama

The skeleton dragon was being bombarded by boulders, fire, water, lighting, and other spells Genovia has in her belt. Each spell smoothly slid off the dragon's bones as it laughed at her feeble attempts to destroy them.

Genovia: "This dragon has incredible resistance!"

Saitama walked over beside her and put his hand on her shoulder.

Saitama: "Thanks for distracting it. I'll take over now."

Genovia: "Huh? Who are you? A newbie adventurer?"

Saitama: "Something like that. I'm just a hero for fun really"

Genovia: *Hero for fun?*

Saitama walked toward the dragon with a blank expression. The dragon noticed him and attempted to smash him to the ground. Saitama jumped back and punched the air.

Nothing happened for a moment, but the skeletal dragon was suddenly thrown back harshly to the ground. It stood back up with noticeable cracks in some of its bones.

Random Person: "He cracked its bones by punching the air?!"

Random Person 2: "Was that wind magic?"

Random Person 3: "A dwarf did that?"

More of the remaining civilians whispered to each other in shock and speculation. Marie was shocked from his display of power.

Marie: *No magic was used with that attack.....*

Saitama landed and yawned into his hand. Red energy slowly flowed out of its bones causing skeleton people to come out of the ground.

Genovia: "Raising the dead!? Impossible!"

The skeletal dragon roared into the air causing a few waves of wind to pass over everyone.

Saitama cracked his knuckles and walked forward.


And done! Cliffhanger too!

I'm so evil.

Hope you guys enjoyed this!

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