Chapter 20: The Attack

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I put some decent work into this chapter. I hope you enjoy it!


Three soldiers were seen on patrol a good distance away from the Kingdom Camelot. They were making their way to a watch tower.

As they walked, they conversed about their private lives.

Soldier 1: "Then she slowly put on a ring and boom! It was all a dream! It just hurts you know?"

Soldier 2: "Sorry man, sometimes, dreams are the best things that happen to us"

Soldier 3: "Yep. It's normal life for us grunts. Women rarely look our way romantically"

Watching the trio, three pairs of red eyes were seen peering from the darkness of the night. Then they disappeared as if they were never there.

The trio eventually made it to their watch tower and they all walked in. The interior was quite simple.

A few desks were placed around the room corners and a few scattered books were on two of them. A spiral of stairs was heading upwards in the middle.

Soldier: "Hey, I'm gonna unpack down here, I'll catch up"

The other two soldiers nodded and climbed the stairs. The soldier that stayed behind took out a duffel bag and started to take out daily necessities. Like a toothbrush, a face towel, etcetera. 

He heard the sound of footsteps and stopped to look around. He looked around the entire room a few times and reluctantly went back to what he was doing. He suddenly felt a hand clamp over his mouth and he started to struggle. He eventually resorted to screaming into the hand but it proved futile.

The creature revealed its other hand and stabbed its fingernail into the man's throat. The small wound started to bleed a long trickle of blood as the creature uncovered his mouth. The soldier pushed the monster back and attempted to scream for his comrades.

But he realized he couldn't.

Fear entered the soldier's body as the creature was revealed to him.

Its body was fairly humanoid except for some key differences. Its head was unusually large and its ears were a bit longer than an elf's. It had a large mouth that was full of sharp teeth that looked like they can bite through the toughest of armor. Around the mouth, was purple lipstick.

To top it all off, the creature was extremely pale. A dead giveaway that this thing was a vampire. The soldier grabbed his sword and swung at the creature's neck. The sword easily sliced its head off. He sighed in relief but realized another head started to grow.

Without wasting any time, the soldier turned tail and ran up the stairs. The vampire looked up and spread its wings. The soldier ran up the stairs faster than before as it started to ascend near the stairs.

Eventually, the soldier made it to the top and quickly ran into his two other comrades.

Soldier 1: "Eh? What's wrong?"

They were confused until they noticed the stab wound on the soldier's neck.

Soldier 2: "What happened!?"

The soldier pointed to his throat indicating that he couldn't talk. The other two soldiers nodded in understanding. Before anything could be said, a pale hand shot through the mute soldier's stomach. His blood splattered onto their comrades as he was lifted into the air with a look of horror on his face.

Soldier 2: "A vampire!?"

The vampire laughed as the men fumbled to take out their weapons.

Vampire: "Too slow!"

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