[Ending] Chapter 38: The Battle For the Universe

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Let's get to it

It was night and everyone was sleeping for the night. The village was eerily quiet until a dark figure seemingly manifested in the middle of the village. Within their seemingly invisible hands was a golden bell.

The figure hunched over as they have back problems and a stick was held in their other hand to keep balance. The only thing remotely visible on the figure was their white beady eyes that seemed to be squinting in glee.

A group of men is seen walking down the path of the village while joking with each other. They each have a glass cup which might mean they are somewhat intoxicated. The dark figure turned in their direction slowly. It didn't take long to notice them.

"What the...."

"Hey old timer, isn't it bedtime for you!?"

The men laughed as the figure watched them intently.

"Hey... Jerry... They look a bit creepy don't you think?"

The man named Jerry nodded in agreement.

Jerry: "For sure. No one is usually up at this time. Heh, I bet they forgot to take their pills"

The men chuckled to each other.

???: "Do you fear death?"

All of the men froze in shock and a bit of fear. The figure's voice sounds nothing like a regular human's. It sounded like a hundred people were combined into one voice. Men, women, and children alike.

Jerry: "W-What the hell...?"

"Jerry, a-are you gonna answer them?"

Jerry: "You answer them!"

"N-No way dude. I refuse"

The two continued to bicker as the figure watched.

Jerry: "Ya know what? I'm not scared of death! What are you gonna do about it?"

???: "I'll kill you"

The figure began ringing the bell and dark mist began to manifest behind them. 4 wolves completely made of darkness appeared. The man took steps back in fear. The wolves howled and charged but were suddenly stopped when a fist slammed into each of their faces.

Saitama stood in front of them with his fist clenched.

Saitama: "You guys alright?"

The man nodded still shocked that a dwarf just saved their lives.

Saitama took a step and suddenly appears in front of the figure. Before they could even do anything, Saitama punched them into nothing. He sighed and began going home. The men watched him go with awed looks.

Saitama arrived at his room and quickly put on his black hero suit. He looked in the mirror and nodded to himself. He blinked when he saw Selene at the door wiping her eyes.

Selene: "Master? Where are you going?"

Saitama: "Gotta go kill a monster or something. I'll be gone for a while. Hold the fort will you?"

Selene: *Bows* "Yes Master"

Saitama awkwardly scurried past her and walked outside. To his surprise, Blake and Luna, the large wolves, appeared before their master. With a shrug, Saitama got onto the back of Luna and motioned for her to begin moving. Luna howled and began sprinting down the road with Blaze right behind her.

Saitama gazed forward in thought.

Saitama: "I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen..."

With the Hero Party

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