Chapter 18: The Rescue

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Sorry for the wait!

Thank you to everyone who commented on the last chapter. I read every single one and will read future ones.

I summed it up to "Add her into the sequel".

Also, this is a short chapter.


Saitama and the ultimate trio were walking down the dark and narrow cave full of creepy insects and whatnot. Venus and Gina were scared, while Saitama and Zinc were expressionless.

Gina: "This place is pretty creepy"

Zinc noticed the two girl's behavior and raised an eyebrow. Gina noticed her expression and quickly waved her hands in front of her face.

Gina: "N-Not like I'm scared or anything!"

After a few more minutes of walking, a bright light appeared at the end of the cave. As it got closer, the party realized that it was a giant fireball.

Venus: "Uh-oh"

Saitama stepped up and threw his fist forward. A huge gust of wind came forth and completely overpowered the fireball causing it to disappear.

The girls looked in shock.

Venus: "Whoa!"

Zinc: "Incredible... The force of your punch created wind to destroy the fireball....."

Gina: "That's crazy!"

Saitama just shrugged.

The sound of footsteps was heard and five men in cloaks appeared.

Once again, CM means 'Cloaked Men'.

CM 1: "Halt! You have trespassed on our territory! For that, you will die!"

Saitama: "Oi, did you guys capture some people?"

CM 2: "People? Not at all! We caught some animals though!"

Zinc: "I believe these 'animals' are the people we are looking for....."

Gina: "Bastards!"

CM 3: "You girls would fit in nicely! Hahaha!"

The cloaked man who spoke lunged toward Zinc. Before he got close, his head was rolling on the ground. All of the cloaked men looked in shock.

CM 1: "WHAT!?"

Saitama: "If you tell us where the prisoners are, I won't punch you"

CM 4: "Punch us?"

The man laughed.

CM 4: "You have no sign of muscle on you, DWARF! A punch won't do much!"

The man started to glow white as if they are charging something up. Before anything could happen, Saitama picked up a rock and threw it at one of them. The rock bounced off of each of them which knocked them all unconscious.

Gina: "That was anticlimactic"

The party walked past their unconscious bodies. Eventually, they made it to an open area. A woman was seen slicing an elf's skin with a knife. There were more than 7 bodies around her. Only 3 were still alive.

The woman looked up in surprise. It quickly changed to a smile.

Woman: "Oh? Adventurers? What could you want with me?"

Zinc: "This room will be your grave..."

The woman giggled.

Woman: "Grave huh?"

Her body was covered in a red aura and all the dead prisoners slowly started to groan and stand up. Saitama was surprised.

Saitama: "Zombies?"

Zinc: "Considering the state of these people, they have been turned undead by the use of necromancy"

Woman: "Correct"

She cackled menacingly as the zombies started to sprint toward them.

Zinc: "Sir Saitama, allow us to destroy these zombies...."

Gina: "Yeah!"

Saitama: "Alright"

The girls all charged toward the zombies as Saitama stood face to face with the women.

Women: "This will be easy"

She took out a chain and there is at him. The chain wrapped around his arm as she attempted to pull him. Notice how I said 'attempted'.

Saitama did not budge.

Women: "What the..."

Saitama pulled his arm back slightly which caused her to come flying toward him. He pointed a finger at her as it impacted her forehead.

She was knocked out instantly. Saitama looked over to see the girls have killed all of the zombies. The 3 people who were still alive looked in relief and happiness.

One of them, a female elf, bowed toward the party with tears in her eyes.

Elf: "T-Thank you for saving us!"

Saitama: "It was no problem"

Venus: "You're welcome!"

Zinc: "It is our duty..."

Gina: "I'll always help people in need!"

The other two survivors, both elves, said their thanks as well. Saitama and his party brought them over to the guild along with the woman who was still unconscious over Saitama's shoulder.

The survivors went their separate ways and the ultimate trio said they were gonna go back and pick up the cloaked mem that we're still alive. Saitama nodded and went home.


I know the ending is pretty rushed but hey, it's how I write.

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