Chapter 27: The Vampire General

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Another Chapter! Based on one character for this first time!

Saitama will star in the next...



A wagon was seen on its side with the horses laying on the ground motionless. A young man was seen outside of the carriage pulling an old man out of it.

Man: "Grandpa! Are you all right!?"

The old man coughed a bit as he attempted to speak.

Old Man: "A crashed carriage won't do much to me little Spark"

The old man started to chuckle and then went straight into a coughing fit.

The man now named Spark hurriedly laid the old man onto the side of the wagon. After he made sure the man was comfortable, he took a look at their motionless horses. He moved toward the other side of the wagon to see the first horse. He approached and checked its pulse. It wasn't breathing.

Spark checked the other horse and got the same result. With a sigh, he stood back up and went back to his grandpa. He stopped when he realized his grandpa wasn't there anymore. Spark knew his grandpa was way too weak to get up on his own, especially after the crash. So to see him gone caused panic to settle into the poor man's mind.

Spark: "Grandpa!? Where'd you go!?"

No answer.

Spark noticed a trail of blood leading away from the cart. Without thinking, he followed the trail into the deep forest. After a few more minutes, he started to get nervous but he stilled his nerves.

Spark: "Where did you go...."

Another few minutes passed and he found the trail leading into a dark cave. He attempted to take a step but-

???: "I wouldn't do that if I were you"

He froze and turned his head toward the voice. The voice was a woman with bright red eyes seemingly staring into his soul. She had on a red dress with multiple unique patterns shown on it.

This is Selene, the vampire general.

Spark: "W-Who are you?"

Selene: "That doesn't matter. What does matter is that you are about to step into a death trap"

Spark: "I-I have to! My grandpa is in there and I have to-"

Selene: "If he's in there, he's already dead"

He felt pain as if he got stabbed directly through the heart.

Spark: "W-What... You must be lying..."

Selene: "Wish I was"

Spark: "T-That doesn't make any sense... I was on the other side of the carriage and I didn't hear anything take him..."

Selene: "Not every predator makes noise when they strike, Ya know"

Spark: "No! I refuse to accept that! I'll go in and save him no matter what!"

Selene: "What the- are you stupid or something?"

Spark: "Shut up!"

Spark marched into the cave without hesitation as Selene sighed to herself.

Selene: "Might as well..."

She followed him in while keeping a distance. As Spark walked through the cave, he suddenly started to shiver.

Spark: "It's so cold... But I have to find my grandpa!"

He braved on; putting fear into the back of his mind. No weaknesses will be tolerated today! Selene followed a few meters back with an unimpressed expression. She learned that being a coward to save your life is much better than fighting to die.

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