Chapter 28: More plot!

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Had no idea how to name this chapter so I chose that.


Saitama and his little party are currently running through the woods as fast as they can. Well, everyone except Saitama, who is just casually jogging.

Behind them, trees are falling one by one as large stoned

Drea: "I hope someone has a plan!"

Zia: "Maybe we should split up?"

Drea: "Wow! How smart!"

Zia: "I know right!?"

Drea: "That was sarcasm!"

Saitama: "You guys know I could just punch-"

Drea: "Absolutely not"

Zia: "Why can't he do it? It will look so cool!"

Drea: "I doubt he could pull it off. Plus, I value everyone's safety, so keep running!"

Saitama gazed at the towering giants walking toward them in the distance. Despite how slow they move, their large legs let them move far enough to keep up with them. The bald hero slowed down considerably and lifted a tree with ease. Drea, noticing the lack of his presence, looked over her shoulder.

Drea: "Hey, what are you... doing......"

Her voice got caught in her throat as she saw the large tree Saitama is carrying. He skidded to a stop and held the tree high into the air. After a few seconds, he hurled the tree at one of the giants. The giant it was heading for didn't bother dodging due to the fact it was just a measly tree.

That was their worst mistake.

The tree slammed into the giant's face, causing it to drop the large stone hammer it was carrying. To add to the damage, the giant's entire face was caved in its skull. The tree was the first to fall and then the giant fell with it. The fall caused what looked like an explosion of dust, dirt, roots, and even bones.

The ground rumbled as everyone but Saitama stumbled about to keep their footing.

The other two giants nearby slowed their advance from seeing their comrade die from a measly tree. The two cyclops and the noble women stared in awe.

Zia: "Awesome!"

Cypher: "That's so cool!"

Drea: "Incredible..."

Saitama: "Well, that's one. I'll take out the other ones. I'll be back"

Drea: "Wait-"

He already zoomed toward the giants.

Zia: "Can we take a break? We have been running for so long! Plus, it's not like he's gonna die"

Contrary to her words, a loud bang resonated through the air as everyone looked to barely see Saitama get hammered into the ground. Everyone, including the giants, stood still. After a few seconds, the giant raised their hammer and advanced toward the wide-eyed trio.

Zia: "H-He died!?"

Cypher: "We should probably run! Grieving is for later!"

Following his words, Zia and Drea ran after him.

With Saitama (Seconds before he was hammered)
(Pause. No? Ok.)

Saitama felt himself get slammed through the ground at speeds that could not be seen by the naked eye of a regular person. Saitama's expressionless face remained on his face with a slight twitch of his eye.

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