Prologue: Betrayal and Reset (Part 1)

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iDisclaimer: This includes an arc that is not covered in the anime yet, so there will be spoilers throughout the story line, read it at your own risk

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

To quote from Chara Dreemurr: "Do you think your actions don't have consequences?"

After the defeat and death of Trihexa, Issei Hyoudou the once pillar of the alliance and the hero of the underworld managed to defeat Trihexa as well as killing Rizevim Livan Lucifer, the megalomaniac responsible for the near destruction of the planet for his own selfish goal of conquering the worlds, eventually our hero fell into a coma and woke up after two weeks due to the usage of a form known as Diabolos Dragon.

Diabolos Dragon, a form powerful enough to not only keep up with Trihexa but also to overwhelm Rizevim with his sacred gear canceller, Issei used that form along with Asia who had just unlocked her balance breaker used Fafnir to defeat the threat known as The Khaos Brigade once and for all, even though our hero was exhausted, he managed to wake up to see Asia still in comatose state, thankfully she only had minor injuries as well as was in a much better condition

At the Sitri Hospital, 8:00 AM

Issei: Ugh where am I?

Draigg: At the hospital, partner

Issei: Wait wut?

He then sees around that he is in a room with several machines attached to him, next to him was a blond girl sleeping peacefully, this was Asia Argento the heroine who had saved everyone along with Issei Hyoudou, Issei smiled at his adopted sister, knowing that she was fine, he then saw another woman sleeping next to Issei, Issei recognized this woman as his mother, Miki Hyoudou

Issei: Hey Mom, wake up

Miki: Five more minutes....zzzzzz....zzzzz, wait a minute ISSEIIII!!!!!!!

Issei: Hey mom, ugh-

Miki: My baby boy, finally woke up, after two weeks of endless sleep, you finally open your eyes, I hope you were not dreaming something perverted.

Issei: Nah mom, I am fine

Miki: Gorou, come here fast now!!!!!!!

An old man then proceeds to enter the room

Gorou: Miki what happened......., Issei?

Issei: Hey dad

Gorou also started to cry when he saw his son open his eyes after a while, the Hyoudou patriarch knew that his son had finally woken up after two weeks of staying in a coma, it was nothing than a joyful occasion for the both of them 

Draigg: Must be nice to have family coming to cheer you up after you wake up as the hero

Issei: Yeah and speaking of  family......

Issei: Hey Mom, Dad where is Rias and the other girls as well as the faction leaders

Gorou: Well son, they visited you for the first half of the first week, after which even they decided to stop visiting you as for the faction leaders they were busy with their work since defeating the beast did have a catastrophic effect on the factions in general resulting in the death of billions and massive damage on a collateral scale

And considering Rias they must have college work since they have been constantly telling us that they have assignments piled up as well as an endless amount of practicals and homework to deal with, not to mention their work on their own territories

Reset: Going back to the past with changesWhere stories live. Discover now