Epilogue: Graduation and a New Year

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(A/N: All the images or gifs used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw that the aftermath of the fight that had taken place on the Japanese Front due to clone Trihexa's attack, Issei and the others managed to initially defeat Trihexa after which they both dealt with HATE that had taken up the remains of Rizevim's body and defeated him once and for all, ending the threat of the Khaos Brigade forever. Issei and the others then decided to party since now there will be a full pantheon alliance as well as peace for a very long time. Issei then saw Raynare, after a conversation, they decide to get it going and have a well deserved time together, after which the next day, Issei decided to go with Sona and Asia doing it together, the next was Kuroka and Rosswiese. After which he had gotten a call from Sona, who had informed him that Serafall Leviathan was free for the time being, he then headed to the underworld where he was greeted by Serafall herself, since she had gotten the day off, they then went to the bedroom and did it together. Until they were interrupted by Sirzechs and Grayfia, who had invited Serafall to the all faction alliance conference, forcing her to leave Issei alone, seeing as there is nothing Issei heads back home. The next day he decided to visit Yasaka and their daughter Kunou, since Issei never properly visited them. Issei then teleported to Kyoto, where he saw Cao Cao and the Hero Faction having a conversation with Yasaka, they were there to apologize for their actions back in Kyoto resulting in Yasaka forgiving them, but with the stern warning of not doing such actions once again. Yasaka then looked to see Issei had come and visit them, she was not ready since Issei never informed them about the visit. Kunou heard her father's name and immediately jumped to him and they went around to visit the place, since there was no one to interrupt them, they enjoyed their trip around and visited multiple places. Issei and Kunou then headed back to Yasaka's palace where they could see that she was waiting for them, she had prepared Dinner for the duo. Issei and Kunou were having a conversation as to what all places that they had visited. Yasaka listened to everything so intently, with much interest she had never seen her daughter this happy. Kunou then went to bed leaving Yasaka and Issei alone, they then had a conversation about the pantheons and Yasaka informed him about Kunou joining Kuoh Academy by next year. They then had a steamy moment together, and both of them enjoyed every single moment of it, after which they both then went to sleep since they knew now that they could live together in peace for a very long time. Issei knew that everything will be peaceful from here on out and he should enjoy it while it lasts.

The Next day, 7:30 AM

Issei and Yasaka were sleeping blissfully as their bodies both coiled towards each other, Yasaka was the first to get up, remembering the steamy night they had yesterday made her blush, she knew that this was the first time in a while since she was this happy with someone she loved, the last time she loved someone was when she had her mate, but he ran away and his whereabouts were unknown, this Youkai was Kunou's birth father, but he certainly was not her dad, that was Issei, he had been a father to her, more than her actual birth father was. At the very least, she knew that Issei would be by her side for all eternity.

Issei: Hey, what's you thinking about?

Yasaka got startled by his voice, she then responded

Yasaka: Nothing much, just wondering where he is....

Yasaka fidgeted with her tails, Issei kept his hand on her, assuring her that he would be by her side

Yasaka: Thanks Ise

Issei: Heh, I made you a promise that I would be by your side for all eternity, I am a dragon, and we keep our promises to our mates, now let's wear some clothes, Kunou might be waking up very soon

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