Chapter 15: Meeting the angels

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Previously we saw the peace conference that had taken place after the Kokabiel's attempt at triggering a war, which had failed. The conference that was aimed at the creation of a peace treaty for ending the pointless war between the factions for so long. After everyone had arrived including a new faction, the monster faction led by King Asgore. The negotiations had begun with everyone agreeing that peace was the only option, with all the factions providing something in return as a way of helping each other out. When asked about the opinion of the two dragon emperors, they both saw peace as not an issue in their goals. That was when Azazel asked the soul of determination for his opinion who stated that his goal will not change just because he had control of the timeline. He then informed his reason for performing a true reset as the angel faction were initially confused with having their memory triggered, but that was when Issei dropped a bomb shell, he revealed as to why he had performed a reset, the reason was that the not only the girls cheated and berated him resulting in him losing all hope but also he started to suffer from Dragon's fall an infamous disease that targeted a Dragon who had a cheating mate. All the factions were pretty furious at the girls for their actions but did not punish because Issei asked them to do so. That was when Nilriem, a group in the Khaos Brigade attacked them and managed to kidnap Gasper using his gear to stop time. Although Vali and Issei saved them, a new contender by Katerea Leviathan had shown up to ruin the conference only for her to be killed by Sans the Judge of the monsters. They then call it a day considering the negotiations went successfully, that was when Asgore had some questions for Issei on his children, after reuniting with them he leaves them alone to have a chat with Tiamat and Draigg on their relationship. Issei then talks about the sexual assaults going on with Diodara and his peerage and his attempt to stop them, he then meets Asgore with his parents who are informed about the changes and what will happen next, which they happily accept

2 months later, Hyoudou Residence, 6:00 AM

Issei can be seen sleeping on his bed in his newly remoddled house, it was a model house just like the last timeline however, this house had been equipped with a much bigger bed for all the rooms, a swimming pool, a training area, a kitchen and a lot more in that house. There was even a gaming room, courtesy of Azazel with all of Issei's favourite games installed on his consoles and PC. 

Three girls can be seen sleeping next to him, that being Raynare, Asia and Sona Sitri, they were all his mates and were deeply in love with the dragon, that was when his alarm rung, signaling it was time for his school, he will never get used to how the devils remodeled the house in just a matter of hours. The girls started to wake up one by one with the first one being Sona Sitri, the school student council president, since she had to greet the students, she had to leave early compared to the others

Sona: Oh morning Ise

Issei: Morning to you too *yawns*, wow 6:00 AM, you must need to wake up early for the council

Sona: Indeed I have to, atleast unlike the others, I have to come to the school early just for that

Sona looks at Raynare and Asia who were busy sleeping on the bed in peace, they knew that they needn't be waking up this early. So Sona, went to the dining room where Issei's mother Miki was preparing food and had woken up at the same time given that the kids would be waking up soon.

Miki: Oh morning honey, did you sleep well?

Sona: Indeed mom, I did

Miki: Where are the others?

Sona: Issei just woke up, while the other three are sleeping

That was when the boys showed up, Flowey also had just woken up due to his brother waking up, he then went on to wake the others up, since it was the final day of School. After which the summer vacations would begin, Sona and the others had planned on going to the underworld since Issei still has to meet his inlaws. But most likely they needed to train in an event of any attack happens. Even though the peace treaty was signed, it is most likely that an attack or a breach will be happening soon, it is best that they start to train as soon as possible.

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