Chapter 1: A fallen angel

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Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Previously, we saw Issei being surrounded by the people who genuinely loved and cared for him and were there for his final moments. Suffering from Dragon's fall which was sped up by the evil pieces, he knew that his time had come. While this was happening, he was suddenly dragged into a dimension where time did not exist by two entities, Trihexa and Chara Dreemurr, the former giving it's power to him and the latter explaining the reasoning for him to fight against much stronger opponents and coming out victorious, the soul of determination. After much debate Issei finally decided to commit a True Reset which resulted in the complete erasure of the timeline and a beginning of a new timeline

Issei is currently sleeping on his bed, his old bed before everything began, before he was used as a tool, Issei felt like he had truly came home, not the home that became when Rias and the female members of her peerage had came to stay with him, as of now he is the only teenager living in his house. 

Issei: (Yawning) Good morning guys

Draigg and Trihexa: Good morning to you too Issei

Issei: So looks like the reset worked huh, I am back at my old room, my old house, so we are really at the beginning of the timeline

Draigg: Yeah it did, judging by the looks it seems like your old house, before Sirzechs remodeled it into a  celebrity house

Issei: To be quite honest, I never like my model house, it always seemed too big for my liking, I always prefered a small space

Issei then looked out to see that his house was indeed like his old house, it felt nostalgic like he always wanted to feel such a thing but never could because of the girls always taking over his bed, despite this he still let them do what they wanted until they decide to throw and discard him away like a tool without any remorse, guilt or consideration for his feelings, he decided that this new timeline would be a new start, a fresh one where there is no one who will use or toy with him, he would never let anyone toy with him ever again

Issei: Hey Draigg, I would like to perform some changes to my behaviour

Draigg: What is that partner?

Issei: I am getting rid of my perversion

Draigg: U wot m8?

Issei: You heard me correct I have decided that my perversion was the reason I let those girls manipulate me and use me, never will that happen again

Draigg was on cloud nine when he heard that, no longer will he ever have to hear Oppai ever in his life again, he will no longer be the Oppai Dragon ever again, and will never take medications for his trauma ever again, Trihexa chuckled at his room-mate's antics, although he never knew what Oppai Dragon was for Draigg, he could only assume that it was a bad thing judging by the fact that he desperately wanted to forget that

That's when a call came downstairs, it was from his mother, it was a regular school day after all, his mother had called him to breakfast, she was preparing the table for her husband and her son

Miki: Issei honey, breakfast is ready you may come down

Issei: Coming mom

Issei immediately came downstairs getting ready for his school since he was surprisingly early to head towards his school, his mother was shocked that he had gotten ready so early otherwise she had to wake him up always

Issei: Morning mom

Miki: Morning sweetie

Gorou: So someone decided to wake up early, so what is the reason a new girlfriend

Reset: Going back to the past with changesWhere stories live. Discover now