Chapter 2: Spoiled Princess and FUN Value

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Previously, we saw Issei receive the first shred of happiness in his life, when he lost his virginity for the very first time, this was something that neither did he expect nor did this happen in a previous timeline, the fallen angel who had once killed in cold blood without hesitation, was the one who will genuinely love him. Earlier Issei decided to fix one of his habits plaguing him in his past life, his perversion which he was successful at by denying peeking at the girls as well as creating a small amount of faith between the Kendo girls who had initially hated him as well

Two lovers can be seen sleeping on the bed naked, Issei and Yuuma who had went on a date, this time gone right were having the time of their life, Issei lost his virginity right from the get go, something he was not expecting, Yuuma even managed to let out her wings by accident while she was sleeping something Issei only noticed and chuckled at the carelessness of the fallen angel, even the dragons were happy that Issei had received happiness after a long time, earlier he had managed to convince his parents that he was staying at a friend's house for a while and assured them that it was neither Matsuda or Motohama. 

Issei: Never did I think she would kill my virginity

Draigg: Partner, I do not think that it is a bad thing, considering despite being surrounded by women in the previous timeline, you were still a virgin

Trihexa: Wait you were still a virgin back then, that was kinda surprising, I would have jumped the gun if such a thing would have happened

Issei: I did not want to take advantage of them, but not mating with them was the right choice

Yuuma decided to wake up, when she saw Issei being awake, then she knew that they had a pleasurable night and she enjoyed every single moment of it. That's when she noticed her two black wings were out

Yuuma (stuttering): Umm, Ise thi-s is cosplay

The three of them sweat dropped at this implying that she was a bad liar as well. Yuuma started to get afraid seeing Issei in an unaffected expression

Yuuma: Judging by your look, you knew that the supernatural exists, so are you a part of any devil's peerage, is this why you wanted to get close

Yuuma started crying, Issei consoled her

Issei: Yes, I do know that you are a fallen angel, but I am not a part of any of the devils peerage, in fact you could even say I have a grudge against them, but I know despite being a fallen angel you have a heart of gold

Yuuma stopped crying and responded

Yuuma: So you do not care, that I am a fallen angel?

Issei: Yuuma, I do not give a flying fuck whether you are a human, angel or even a fallen one, I learnt not to discriminate against blood a long time ago, so I love you for who you are and not your blood.

Yuuma cried tears of joy when she heard that she wanted someone to love her for who she was, ever since god died and when she fell joining Azazel, nobody looked towards her given that she was a low class fallen angel. When Azazel sent her to look after Issei Hyoudou, she willingly watched over him and fell in love with him in first sight, although she was not a big fan of his perversion, she knew that aside from his perversion, he had a good heart. But she truly fell in love with him now when she heard those words, initially she only had a crush on him, even during the date it was a mere infatuation, but she fell for him today and will follow him to the ends of the earth if it means to be with him

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