Chapter 54: Determined Resolve and Fighting Back

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

(A/N: All the images or gifs used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw that Rizevim has given the order to activate the beast and begin the final assault on the alliance, Issei and the others along with the Gremory Peerage were repairing the house, that was damaged thanks to the attack of Rizevim and his evil dragons. They were fixing their house from any damage that had happened courtesy of Rizevim, when Sirzechs and Grayfia showed up to their house, none of them having good news, they told them about the situation with the Khaos Brigade horrifying everyone, but none of them were affected they were ready to defend their home from the Khaos Brigade, they all then head to the underworld, with Tiamat, Asriel and Asia volunteering to stay back to protect his parents in case Rizevim decides to go after them. They could see that the Underworld has erupted into complete chaos and riots. Issei informed them that Sirzechs and Grayfia should handle the riots and crowd control, Saji and the Sitri Peerage should head to the Great King Faction HQ to face or prevent any attackers from hurting the council members, while he and his team would head to the broadcasting station to fight off against Rizevim, so the teams decide to just that. Sona and her peerage then encounter Bedeze Abadon, the third ranking member of rating game championship trying to slay the Bael family and the Great King Faction Politicians, he was stopped when Saji intervened however Saji even with the help of Magardan Bael, Saiaorg's younger half brother and his queen were able to stop him. Saji was nearly killed when he was saved by Saiaorg Bael himself sent by Sirzechs to assist them, Saiaorg was forced to use his Breakdown the Beast Armor in order to fight off against the Satan class devil, which he was easily able to overpower and overwhelm with ease, defeating him and knocking him out of the fight. After which Roygun Belphegor, the second position of the rating game, took him away with the help of the guards after both were revealed to be King Piece users. While the fight was going on, Sirzechs gets a call from Azazel about the situation which horrifies them, Grigori has fallen, heaven has been laid waste to and now the beast has split up fighting against the Norse and Monster faction at the same time, even with the help of the Hindu Gods and Team Dxd, it is still not enough. Sirzechs then decided to make a speech which was able to convince the masses to stop rioting and work together to protect their home from the Khaos Brigade and Trihexa. The masses protect the children and the ones that cannot fight from any harm, the ones that are capable of fighting get ready to fight off against the Khaos Brigade along with Sirzechs and Grayfia. Meanwhie Issei can be seen moving to the broadcasting station, he gets a call from Azazel who was informed about the situation, he then asks Rosswiese, Kuroka and Frisk to help the others in Europe and America, which they reluctantly agree. He then heads to the office along with Raynare and Chara, only to realize it was a trap, Rizevim set this up to kill Issei, when all of a sudden a spear came aimed at Raynare, Issei took the hit for her as she would have been killed, damaging his soul severely, he apologizes for not being with her before taking his last breath, Raynare falls into despair while  Chara on seeing this and gets furious, she wants to destroy the beast once and for all for hurting her older brother, tears in her eyes. 

Void, 3:30 PM

Issei wakes up in the Void, where he could see a screen revealing two options:

CONTINUE                                            RESET

Issei realizes what had happened he was killed, or at least on the verge of the death, he was in front of the screen which was designed to make sure what had happened. Issei then saw what seemed to be the outside world, he could see his friends falling into despair and getting killed one by one, the next thing he knows he saw Draigg and Trihexa next to him, they were also watching the screen as well as what was happening, they gritted their teeth seeing the people they love dying in front of them, they all knew this is what they call a failed timeline where everyone fell to Rizevim and Trihexa clone. He could see that Chara gets brutally killed trying to avenge her brother and Raynare losing the complete will to fight, he knew what he needed to do, that was when the dragons asked him

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