Chapter 50: Rescue Mission and Interrogation

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Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

(A/N: All the images or gifs used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw the aftermath of the exorcist rebellion, a month after the events of the Exorcist rebellion, Issei and Rosswiese go on a date as it was requested by Göndul, they enjoy their date until it was ruined by Euclid Lucifuge who wanted Rosswiese to join by their side so that they could use her powers to help in their plans, after being promptly refused Euclid charges at the duo only to receive a fist to the face, breaking it forcing the silver haired devil to retreat. After three months, Issei and Vali end up sparing with Vali initially getting the upper hand but after a simple threat to hurt Raynare allowed Issei to crush the white dragon emperor with the move Black Sun, after Vali's defeat, they both get a call to visit the Auros Academy from Sona Sitri who was the headmaster of that Academy, they all were called for the Grand Opening of the Auros Academy, Sona then gives the guests a tour of the academy which was designed to help low class devils to improve and train in their talent of the rating games. However the school was attacked, Issei then asks Milicas to be taken safely back home where he could be safe, which Grayfia and Sirzechs agree to do so, Issei then splits the team into Vali and his team where they could deal with the evil dragons while the rest go to where the Magicians from Nilreim and Hexannact attack. Heading to the south side, they see Grendel who was revived trying to destroy the school. He was stopped much to his fury, after which Vali and Issei fight against Grendel while the others face against the other mass produced evil dragons, Saiaorg along with Regulus also join the fight as they take on the evil dragons after a while. He informs them that the magicians have already been defeated and dealt with, after all the evil dragons are either destroyed or killed, Saiaorg in his balance breaker joins Vali and Issei in their fight against the Crime Force Dragon. However during the fight, a shreik was heard, Euclid tries to kidnap and teleport himself out of there, but Göndul who had joined the fight, seals away his teleportation abilities, forcing him to flee, Issei gives him chase, he frees Rosswiese from the devil's clutches and takes on Euclid, who unveils his balance breaker he fights against Issei with the latter easily overwhelming him, Issei then goes Cardinal Crimson Full Drive without the chant because of the Diabolos Dragon, which allows him to crush Euclid, he then uses his Longinus Smasher to finish off the fight easily overwhelming the Lucifuge Heir resulting in his defeat, Sirzechs then comes and takes away Euclid for interrogation. After which both Issei and Rosswiese join the rest of the teams, and they head back. They head back to see the house in a broken condition, they see that Tiamat and Sans in a terrible condition with the latter being on the verge of death. They revealed that Rizevim had kidnapped his parents to break him, with Issei being furious over the super devils actions.

Hyoudou Residence, 5:30 PM

Asia can be seen healing up Sans and Tiamat using her sacred gear, the others are making the plan on how to rescue Issei's parents, that was when an unexpected guest comes in and joins them.

???: Issei Hyoudou come and.......what the hell happened here?!?!

Issei recognized that voice, it belonged to Crom Crauch, his appearance had not changed since their last encounter back in Romania, he was a tall man wearing a black coat with a long mixture of black and blond hairs as well as heterochromatic eyes where his right eye is gold and his left eye is black and he has pointed ears. He wondered what had happened here

Issei: My parents.......that bastard Rizevim, kidnapped them!!!!

Crom now knew what happened and how it happened, he was furious, no he was pissed, no one attacks a dragon's parents, there are standards, he was radiating a dangerous aura, he then said in a low voice

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