Chapter 41: Red and White dragons vs The Gorgon

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(A/N: All the images or gifs used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw the fight that continued between the Hero Faction and the Team Dxd, it was a fight that was mostly driven by revenge and rematch against the former. The Lucifuge peerage with the exception of Sirzechs had shown up to assist the teams against the Jabberwocky and the Bandersnatch that the brainwashed Leonardo had created, Tiamat and Azazel had also volunteered to fight against the multiple monsters that were created, Issei and Vali team had split up into multiple smaller teams to handle each member of the hero faction, the first one that they fought against was Jeanne, the former holy maiden of Vatican who joined the hero faction, however this time Raynare and Irina were joined in by Le Fay, they were constantly bombarding the former holy maiden with an endless amount of spells forcing her to go balance breaker, they were still gaining the upper hand on Jeanne that was until Jeanne revealed her trump card in the form of Chaos Break which combined her Holy Swords into a Lamia version of her self, she then attacked the trio of girls, and even managed to gain the upper hand on them that was until Irina managed to conquer her self doubt allowing her to unlock her next pair of wings on herself which she along with the other three girls used against Jeanne and successfully defeated and sealed her away. The next match was between Frisk, Kuroka and Bikou against the Master magician Georg, Kuroka used her spells in an attempt to try and get a breach on Georg but was unable since this time he came prepared, he thought that his spells would be enough to get rid of the trio, but once Kuroka managed to successfully distract Georg for long enough for Bikou to strike him in the back, they pressed the advantage on him, allowing them to subdue him and this time Frisk knocked him out successfully preventing Georg from using his Longinus Dimension Lost from escaping or using it to let the other Hero Faction members from escaping. In the meantime another fight was brewing between the Hero Faction's Heracles and the Team Dxd's Arthur, Asriel, Chara and Rosswiese, the four were initially able to push against the brute of the hero faction even after he had managed to unlock his balance breaker, but even he used his Chaos Break which allowed him to transform into a brown mechanical golem with rocket launchers on his back and plasma energy in his fists, this form was strong enough to make all four of them struggle to the point of being pushed back, The golem then fired multiple shots at all four of them which successfully hit two of the 4 members that being Chara and Rosswiese, with Chara barely being conscious and Rosswiese being unconscious after that Heracles tried to attack the bus full of innocent children but was prevented by Asriel while Arthur bought those kids to a safe location, they then began their fight against The Golem with the duo being successful in not only destroying the golem but also putting Heracles under a stun preventing him from doing any damage. Vali and Issei were fighting against the Hero Faction leader Cao Cao, who saw that his team was defeated, he then tried to activate the Truth Idea but was prevented from doing so by Issei, forcing him to go for regular balance break, Vali put the pressure on Cao Cao by dividing his power allowing Issei and Vali to take him out with relative ease, that was until Vali made the mistake of firing a magical blast which Cao Cao deflected towards Koneko, forcing Kuroka to take the hit for her, this angered the duo who relentlessly beat into the hero faction leader, bringing him to his knees, that was when a a silhouette of a woman with a snake tail was released from his eye, revealing to be Medusa who looked at the three in a hungry manner, with the intention to consume them.

Medusa looked at the duo of dragons in a hungry manner, any resemblance that she was once a human who worshipped Athena, the goddess of Wisdom was long gone, she was a monser on the inside and on the outside, Medusa lunged at Cao Cao with the intent to kill him but was stopped when Issei used his Durandal forcing Medusa to back off.

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