Prologue: Betrayal and Reset (Part 2)

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Italics: Thoughts

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Previously, we saw Issei wake up from his comatose state and realize that in two weeks everything and everyone around him has changed, people who he once knew and loved were not the same as they were before. Even though a few people still loved and cared for him, the people he loved still betrayed him and discarded him before hesitation. Atleast in his final moments there will still be people that will love and care for him.

Kiba: Issei hang in there I will get someone that will help you with this problem

Draigg: Oh no

Kiba: What happened Draigg?

Draigg: Things have gotten much worse for Issei, the evil pieces are now acting as a catalyst for the Dragon's fall disease, now instead of taking several months to kill a dragon, for Issei it would now be only a few hours

Issei: How did that happen so fast?

Draigg: You need to remove your pieces fast, they are the reason the Dragon's fall is happening at such an accelerated rate.

Kiba: But Issei will die if such a thing happens

Issei: I am dying either way Kiba, so Draigg remove the pieces, I must purge them from my body, it feels like my own pieces are trying to eat me alive, just like Rias ate my emotions and destroyed them

Kiba: Hold on, I will call Azazel, he might be able to help with the purging procedure

At the Grigori Headquarters, 7:00pm

Azazel: Geez this paperwork does not stop, I wanted to celebrate Issei waking up, but this seems as bad as college kids assignments, man there is no amount of stopping when it comes to paperwork

Baraquiel: I know but keep your spirits up you gotta be ready when the celebration happens of Issei getting up

Azazel: Shut up Baraquiel, atleast you do not have as much paperwork as much as I have

Baraquiel chuckled and left after completing his own paperwork, Azazel then saw that he still had a lot to complete

Phone: Fucking ring ring ring

Azazel: Why is my phone ringing now?

Azazel: Hello?

Kiba: Azazel-sensei, it is an emergency?

Azazel: (worried) What happened Kiba?

Kiba: (stuttering) It is Iss-ei

Azazel: I will be right there, Baraquiel

Baraquiel: What happened Azazel?

Azazel: Something happened to Issei

Baraquiel: What?? I am also coming

Azazel: Well let's go

Azazel and Baraquiel then both leave the place and head towards the co-ordinates Kiba sent them 

Azazel: (shocked) What the hell happened here?

The fallen duo were both shocked at what they were seeing Issei lying on the ground coughing up blood, Azazel immediately figured out that he was suffering from Dragon's fall, he knew how deadly that disease was since he had once cured a she dragon of such a illness, ever since that day the dragon hated her former mate.

Baraquiel was unaware on why the red dragon emperor suffered, Azazel then informed that he was suffering from Dragon's fall. He dreaded the reason on how such a thing could have happened to him, little is he aware on how such a thing could have happened

Reset: Going back to the past with changesWhere stories live. Discover now