Chapter 3: An enigmatic encounter

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Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Previously, we saw the aftermath of the events happen in the first chapter as well as a new student joining Issei and his adventures. We also saw about how Issei has become very much different from what the students perceive him with him not only rejecting the advances of Akeno Himejima, a well know beauty in the school, but also refused her request to go to the occult research club. After which when introducing his girlfriend to his parents, he met an old friend who just so happened to be dead is not only alive but has also become his younger sister. They both decide to call it a day and go to dinner to continue with what's going on next

The next day began and Issei has someone at his neck, a woman infact, this woman also known as Rias Gremory, had entered into his house without permission and had the bright idea to hypnotize his parents. On coming to know of this from an old friend yesterday, Issei didn't expect that she would actually do it, but here she is. Chara could be seen next to Issei's parents guarding them from Rias trying to get closer, knife in her hand, as she won't hesitate to strike her down if she dared hurt her new parents. Issei, on the other hand, was beyond pissed that someone who he hated from not only his past life, but also in the current timeline. Issei wanted to squeeze the life out of her neck, but didn't as he did not want to risk the life of his family. His parents thankfully were passed out, due to Issei successfully managing to remove Rias's possession spell. 

Issei: You got some nerve........You have some nerve of entering into my house and HYPNOTIZING MY PARENTS, GREMORY!!!?!!!!

Rias on the other hand, was struggling from Issei's hand, even her devil strength was unable to do anything to even faze Issei, she tried to punch or Kick Issei but it did not do anything other than piss off the dragon god even more.

Rias (struggling): How are you....this strong?


Rias(struggling): How did you know?

Issei: I am not a fool, Gremory, I know who you are, I also know that just because you are the little sister of Lucifer, doesn't mean you get a GET OUT OF JAIL CARD FOR YOUR ACTIONS

Issei then increases the chokehold on her, causing her to start coughing up, she felt the life in her body hanging by a thread, a little more pressure and the Gremory heir would be no more. But Issei did not do that, this was a warning, a warning meant to be taken seriously, if not she would have a fate worse than death. Issei then opened a portal to school

Issei: Now get out and don't show your face to me ever again!!!!!

Rias: Wait I just wanted to talk

Issei: You have lost all your chances to 'talk' Rias Gremory, now leave, if you don't listen to my warning, this time and even threaten to hurt my family again *Issei's eyes turn red with determination* YOU'LL. BE. DEAD. WHERE. YOU. STAND.

Issei then threw the heiress of Gremory in the portal and closed it immediately, he then proceeded to head towards his downed parents to check for any injuries, thankfully with Chara assuring him that nothing had happened he had breath a sigh of relief.

Raynare: You do know that they will be involved in a much larger scale in your life and there is a possible encounter with Lucifer himself given that you hurt his little sister

Issei: I don't care, I can forgive anyone who hurts me cause I can defend myself very well, but when it comes to hurting my family members and friends, that's crossing the line and she did just that. I do not forgive anyone that hurts my friends and family and will strike down anyone that dares to do so

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