Ova 7: Meme Time 4

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Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

All memes, ticktoks, Youtube videos as well as comedy skits done by comedians that are done by the characters belong to the original owners.

Without further ado let is begin

Issei: Hold up meme time 4? This was not a part of the deal

@RageRevan looks at him and says in an intimidating voice

RageRevan: I am altering the deal Issei, pray I don't alter it any further

*Scene Break*

Kunou was dreaming of being an actor, she saw herself winning a ton of awards and getting prestige

Kunou: Mom, I know what I wanna be when I grow up...

Yasaka looks at her 

Kunou: I wanna be an actor

Awkward silence for a while, then Yasaka starts laughing, she smacks her hands, then her thighs and then the table that she was working on earlier, then the wall and once again her thighs, she then speaks

Yasaka: You are 12 years old, not a child anymore go get a job..

Kunou: Alright, but I wanna try out acting

Yasaka: What the hell you are not joking

Kunou looks awkwardly around.

Yasaka: Listen your father and I did not tell you the truth, but it is time you find out okay, you are ugly.

Kunou looks at her mother in confusion

Yasaka: It is my fault, I take responsibility, my apology so go apply to magic school.

Kunou: W-what do you mean?

Yasaka: Oh and before you were born your father and I spun the wheel to decide your career, you are gonna be a Leader.

Kunou: No I wanna be an actor.

Yasaka then feels a pain in the chest, like she had been shot with a gun. Yasaka then says in complete shock

Yasaka: W-what the helll you say?!??, you know what I tell all aspiring actors, Binti Macha with Tupac Classic Sarah. Do you see failure written on this wheel?!?! Do you see my chicken sandwich with no lettuce?!?! Please I waited 100 years to get my human form and another 800 to get my full powers only for you to be a disappointment!!! Where is your receipt I return you?!?!

Kunou looks around weirdly for help.

Yasaka: H-here I got you a gift!!

Kunou looks at it and responds

Kunou: It's a mirror

Yasaka: So you can see how dumb you look 

Yasaka slams her table once again

Yasaka: Also I am selling your bed

Kunou: What?

Yasaka: So you can get used to unemployment!!! Hey for dinner you are getting Tengu express

Kunou gasps in horror and disgust. Yasaka continues smacking her hands

Yasaka: 98% of actor can't make minimum wage, why you think you're special?

Kunou: I will just work really hard

Yasaka: Especially stupid

Yasaka takes a deep breath and then starts speaking

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