Chapter 25: Youkai Fight and a Vital Information

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Italics: Thoughts

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(A/N: All the images or gifs used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw that Sirzechs had visited Issei's house where he brought alongside a guest with him, his name was Diehauser Bellial, the current champion of the rating games had appeared in front of Issei, despite his actions in the previous timeline, he wanted justice for his cousin who was killed to keep a secret. Issei still respected the man, he knew that he must not let him go down the same path as he did back then. Issei tells him what he did in the previous timeline as a sort of premonition. Diehauser was shocked but nevertheless knew that he won't let the premonition be true, he thanked Issei and told him that he would never go down the same route ever again. He then left Issei with the promise of battling Issei in the near future. A week later, Sona gives Issei a stamp and a pass meant for this trip, after giving him a peck on the cheek, Issei and the others leave for Kyoto. Issei while on the train to station decided to enter the bathroom to check and ponder on his past actions, that was when Raynare sneaked into the bathroom and locked it in an attempt to make a move on Issei, which she was successful in doing so, they both then leave the bathroom after making out for a while, Issei then meets up with Kiba who had been giving him information on what the ORC are doing and what Issei is going to do in the Kyoto, Kiba and Issei sit on the same seat till the end of the journey. After that Issei and the others then get down on Kyoto station, where they then head towards the hotel owned by the Gremory Family, Issei this time gets a decent room where before that he does not get a proper room and he is paired with his girlfriend Raynare, he is then joined by Rosswiese who never got to be properly introduced to Issei and his friends, she then joins them in playing UNO for a while, with Saji winning most of the rounds. The others then leave since it was too late in the night and they had to go and see the place since they are there. After that Issei is left alone with Raynare, who tries to make a move on him, Issei who still had a bit of fear of woman asked her to wait, he feels like he is not ready to do it with her, but before Raynare could respond Issei kisses her and they make out for a while, after which Issei sleeps on her chest while Raynare puts her arms on him. Raynare figured out that the experiences from the past timeline make him still fear being in love, she was determined to make him lose his fear of woman no matter what happens. Issei then holds Raynare in a protective manner while sleeping, which Raynare also enjoys and holds him in a caring manner

Issei and Raynare were sleeping blissfully that was when Issei sensed something familiar, someone had come outside the hotel window, Issei woke up and went to check on who it was, on going to check out who that is. It was revealed to be none other than Vali Lucifer who was patiently waiting for them. He had a smile on his face.

Vali: Took you long enough, Issei

Issei: Oh hey Vali, wanna come inside, let us talk inside

Vali and Issei then head inside they sit on the chairs present in the room, that was when Raynare had also woken up sensing the aura, she was still dizzy. Raynare yawns and asks

Raynare: Ummm........Vali what are you doing here?

Vali: There is something I need to tell you both, the hero faction is on the move and they have kidnapped Yasaka, the leader of the Youkai Faction just before you guys arrived here.

Issei: So it is just like last time.

Vali: Hmmmmm

Raynare: Last time, did I miss something?

Issei: Oh you weren't there right. Let me tell you what had happened

Issei then explains to her what had happened last time when he had come to Kyoto, Kunou, the daughter of Yasaka attacks him and his team but they retreat. After an apology and a visit around Kyoto they encounter the Hero Faction of the Khaos Brigade like last time, after that they encounter them again after a few hours when they try to use the Leader to open the gate in an attempt to summon Great Red, which they foiled after not only saving Yasaka with the help of Sun Wukong but also destroying Cao Cao, the leader of the hero faction's eye, they were forced to retreat after that. 

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