Question & Answers

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Welcome to the first Question & Answers session, today I will be answering a lot of questions you have in mind you let us begin.

Hello everyone RageRevan here, and today I will be telling you how the story was made, it's origin, my future plans and finally what are the next stories I would be doing

Q1) What were your first intentions with the story?

Ans: Truth be told, I was planning for my original draft to be completely similar to that of my other story Tales of the Dark Multiverse: Evil Dragon war, the second draft was going to be similar to that of a scenario where not only is Rizevim alive, but also Trihexa not only completely destroys the pantheons but also managed to kill all of the Occult Research Club members as well as the Student Council members, Issei watched this all happen, snaps and destroys everything, eventually he gets killed in the second one only to find out in both these drafts that he had the soul of determination resulting in a reset, he then makes sure to never let history repeats itself again, as well as Trihexa joining with Issei in both the drafts with them also having the same goal. Both these drafts were scrapped because I considered them to dark, and went with the current one which we have today.

Q2) Why did Issei help Rias in her fight against Riser in the new timeline?

Ans: A lot of you guys had this question, many of you wanted Rias to suffer for what she did, initially I was planning for Issei to leave Rias in the ditch, but there are multiple reasons as to why Issei saved her. One was that Issei is the type of person that will help others no matter what, he is a strong believer that people will change as well as a forgiving person, he forgave Azazel for letting Raynare run rampant and killing both himself and Asia, forgave Vali for betraying the alliance, letting Ophis and later Kuroka and Le Fay stay in his house despite them directly or indirectly hurting his friends, I did not want to change his canon personality. Two he did not want Kiba and Gasper to suffer, remember they were there with Issei till the very end, if Riser were to win, Rias along with her peerage would be bound to Riser and remember Riser was an arrogant jerk back then, so he will never let Kiba and Gasper suffer for helping him. Three, Sona convinced him to help Rias, Sona back then did not know what she did so that is why she convinced Issei to help her with her problem, and knowing how good Sona is with her negotiations, Issei eventually relented and helped her.

Q3) Why did Raynare become a better person in the reset and why did Issei accept her despite her betrayal in the previous timeline?

Ans: Honestly whenever I see Raynare, I see that she wanted to be accepted, even in canon she wanted her superiors Azazel and Shemezai to notice her, she killed Issei because of Kokabiel's manipulation, Azazel had sent her to watch over Issei since he was a sacred gear wielder. In this timeline, Azazel prevented Kokabiel from ever gaining on her and manipulating her, he kept her close like a father would do towards her daughter, he taught her and trained her so that he could defend himself, she has had a bad past, but had no one to help her, Azazel took her under her wing and helped her with her past, he then asked her to look after Issei in the hopes that history will not repeat itself which it did not, she became the primary love interest of Issei, and was accepting of him having a harem, unlike a certain red head (I know Rias eventually does accept his desire for Harem, so don't flag me, the only difference is that Raynare was much quicker in doing so). As for Issei accepting her, in canon he never hated Raynare for killing him and Asia, he was scared of women because of the scar that she had left behind, she was still lingering after months of her demise and Issei was only able to move on after the girls helped him with his insecurities after the infamous "Buchou is Buchou"

Q4) Why did you chose Undertale for the crossover, like add the characters of Undertale in the High School Dxd Fanfic?

Ans: Well when it comes to reset, one of the first games that comes in mind was Undertale, it was one of the best games, I have ever played and I only did the Neutral and Pacifist routes, I was unable to complete the Genocide Route because I did not like the route, Undertale was also quite revolutionary in the RPG (Role Playing Games) Genre, as it was quite unique with the MERCY and FIGHT system, where your choices result in the games ending as well as different alternate routes making the game quite interesting and intriguing, where showing mercy to the monsters resulting in a Pacifist or a false pacifist route where you help the characters with their insecurities giving them hope for the future, where as killing everyone results in the Genocide route where you will suffer at the hands of Chara because of your actions or Alphys along with Sans will hunt you down if you complete the Aborted Genocide route where you kill Undyne the Undying. In my initial draft I was planning for the Undertale characters to not show up, but I added them anyway for the Soul of Determination situation to make sense, with the Monsters being called the Monster Faction, the other characters receiving the soul traits was put as a fail safe by gods similar to the sacred gear system so that they can combat the supernatural creatures, the soul traits are known to be extremely powerful but can only be activated due to having a strong desire or a strong emotion to trigger it's activation similar to the Balance Breaker of sacred gears.

Reset: Going back to the past with changesWhere stories live. Discover now