Chapter 34: Final Hours

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Italics: Thoughts

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(A/N: All the images or gifs used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw the confrontation that was taking place between the strongest evil dragon and the strongest dragon king, Crom Crauch and Tiamat respectively. They both were evenly matched in terms of power, speed and durability. That was when Tiamat asked Crom, his reasoning for working with someone like Rizevim, to which Crom responds that he only wanted to fight stronger opponents and Rizevim promised him that, Tiamat then calls it out as a lie and they both stop fighting after Crom realizes that Rizevim is a master manipulator. They then head inside to assist the others. Earlier Issei and the others were heading inside to only encounter Grendel who had arrived to serve as a distraction rather than an actual threat. But given his enhancement from the Holy Grail, he had massive amounts of regeneration added to his already present heavy pain tolerance, he was actually able to push back the team present there. That was until Issei decided to activate his Cardinal Crimson Full Drive and Vali decided to activate his Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive they were able to push Grendel back and even decided to destroy most of his body, but his regeneration bought him back to full health. Grendel was enjoying every single moment of it given his masochistic nature, he then used a fire breath but it did not affect the team in any manner, Issei and Vali then activated their signature moves with their new forms that being Compression Divide and Longinus Smasher immediately reducing Grendel to nothingness, after that they then saw what the Khaos Brigade was experimenting on HATE and Human souls, they were trying to combine HATE with Human souls which always leads to nothing but disaster, Issei and the others were trying to free the souls out that was when he heard a familiar voice, it was Euclid, Grayfia's younger brother, he was sent here to stop them. Euclid thought that he could take them on given that the distractions would weaken them, but Issei had a surprise planned for him, he immediately summoned the rest of the reserve members who were eager for a fight, they all jumped on Euclid bringing the guy to his knees. Euclid was forced to flee from the location, and they were focusing on releasing the poor souls that the Khaos Brigade and the Tepes Faction were experimenting upon. After that Saiaorg and his peerage volunteered to take the innocent civilians back to their houses safe and sound, while the rest of the people present here decided to deal with any evil dragons or vampires that would show up, while Saji, Issei, Gasper and Vali decided to save Valerie before it was too late, they all were determined to save Valerie, especially Gasper and deal with Rizevim and the Khaos Brigade once and for all.

Tepes Throne Room, 5:00 PM

Issei along with Saji, Gasper and Vali head towards the throne room, they were all under stealth, they needed to rescue Valerie as only one and a half hour remain, they then notice a secret hatch present next to the Throne, they open up the hatch revealing the Throne to move sideways and a trap door can be seen.

They open the trap door and decided to go inside, they then go down a spiral staircase where they see several people and vampires in tanks just like they saw those humans back then, Vali and the others immediately charged at the Vampires killing them with relative ease, those Vampires did not know what had hit them, Issei and the others then managed to release the victims, several of them were Vampires from the Carmilla Faction, both male and female were victims of those horrifying experiments, they all thanked the four for releasing them and Issei told them to meet up with the others who were slaying any evil dragons and vampires left in the mansion. The rescued Vampires immediately left while the people were teleported by Issei to a safe location.

The gang then proceeded to head inside where they could see Marius experimenting on what could seem to be a girl's body, the girl was a young woman with short blonde hair and red eyes. she seemed to be a few years older than Issei, she was pleading with Marius to release her, but Marius only laughed and responded

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