Chapter 7: Wedding and double trouble

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Previously we saw that Issei has decided to train the occult research club, in their rating game against Riser Phenex, after assessing their strengths and weaknesses, Issei had decided to train them in their abilities where they could become strong enough to defeat Riser and win back their freedom. Issei trained Koneko and Rias personally while Kiba was trained by Chara in an effort of improving his durability and his stance, while Akeno was taught major improvements in her magic as well as having a breakthrough in her hate, enough for her to accept her powers and not be afraid in using them. After 8 days of hard training, Issei saw massive improvements in their training as well as was impressed by their determination to defeat Riser once and for all, after having a proper talk with Rias the day before the rating game, both get ready to give it their all in the rating game. The next day the rating game begins and it was an overwhelming advantage for Riser, but despite all odds and Rias's careful planning they managed to defeat all pieces of Riser's peerage, but fail to notice one person not being eliminated. Riser on being defeated manages to pull a last ditch effort in order to defeat Rias by performing the move castling, switching places with his Rook allowing him to stab Rias in the back, thus eliminating her and securing the victory for his team.

Everyone present including the announcer Grayfia was shocked at the sudden outcome, they were all expecting Rias to win. They did not expect Riser to pull up such a foul play in order to win. They were pissed beyond pissed, but none so than the older brother of Rias and the older sister of Sona Sirzechs and Serafall respectively, they knew that it was a foul move to bring more than three rook pieces in a rating game, that alone should have been illegal to do so

Saji: But how...... weren't they winning?

Tsubaki: Saji it is a move called castling where a king and a rook switch places, but this could be only done if the user has an unused rook, they can switch positions with that rook, my guess is Riser used that as an advantage

Saji: But you only said that Riser had a full set

Tsubaki: That is what I am wondering as well

Sona: My guess is that just like Issei was loaned to Rias as a reserve member to fight in the rating game, someone must have given Riser an extra rook piece to switch positions allowing Riser to do that. 

Saji: But isn't that unfair

Sona: Yes, but besides it was an amazing performance, they managed to eliminate the full peerage of Riser, with such tactful thinking and even without Issei they would have been able to pull the win that was until Riser used a last ditch attempt to win.

Sona was worried for both Rias and Issei, worried for Rias as he used unfair means to stab her in the back as well as Issei who had fought to win her freedom. She did not want Issei to lash out in anger at Riser's dick move since that may turn him against the devils which is something she desperately wanted to avoid

Sona: Oh.....Issei....

With Serafall and Sirzechs,

Sirzech was radiating a dangerous amount of aura, enough to make any furniture or walls fall apart, Grayfia on the other hand raised her own aura to counter his so that it may not hurt any innocent devils caught in his rage, Serafall on the other hand despite being calm was equally furious at what Riser did, she wanted to punish him but her being the Satan she could not be imparitial

Sirzechs: How.....DARE HE?

Grayfia: Lord Sirzechs calm down, do you want to destroy the devils around?

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