Chapter 39: A Reunion and Hero Faction Assault

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(A/N: All the images or gifs used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw the rating game between the Bael and Sitri heiresses took place in which the matchup had begun with the first match being between the rooks of the peerages of Sitri and the Bael took place, with Loup emerging victorious, then the next match up was between the queens of the peerages with Tsubaki emerging victorious after using a well timed Mirror Alice to deflect her punch back to her defeating her with relative ease. The next one was a double match between Bennia and Tsubasa against Ladora and Beruka, with the Bael team winning this one with the loss of Beruka. The match up next was between Saiaorg himself against Tsubaki and Tomoe which resulted in a crushing defeat for the Sitri team as they were only able to wound Saiaorg. After that it was a match between the bishops of both the teams with the one that won was Reya from the Sitri team with her managing to defeat both Corrianna and Misteeta. After that the matchup was between Reya and Saji against Ladora and Liban with Saji coming out on the top at the cost of Reya's sacrifice. Finally it was a battle royale between the remaining members of the peerages, the fight between Loup, Saji and Sona against Regulus and Saiaorg, Regulus pretty much forces Sona to use the Phenex Tear on herself to prevent any elimination, they then combine to form a new balance breaker Regulus Rey Leather Rex, managing to overpower the trio and even force Saji to use his own Balance Breaker as well as eliminating Loup from the match, however he was not ready for what Saji had in store for him, Saji used Malbolge Vitra Promotion to destroy any traces of armor that was present and attack at those weak spots effectively taking him out once and for all, which resulted in Saiaorg's defeat, after that Sona was crowned the victor of the Rookies Four much to her happiness. Issei and the others were happy for her, they all congratulate Sona for her victory, that was when Yasaka had shown up through a magic circle, her clothes were torn and she seemed exhausted, her eyes had tears in them. It was revealed that Kunou had been kidnapped much to everyone's anger. Zeus and Hera showed up and they all revealed that this was Artemis's doing, Zeus then offered Issei to take him to the stadium where Artemis had kidnapped Kunou and kept her, Artemis welcomes the duo with a smirk, Zeus requests Artemis to let go of the child, which she refuses resulting in Issei fighting against her, Issei first rescues Kunou to which she immediately rushed to Zeus, he then decided to torment Artemis for her actions, resulting in her bow being broken and several mortal wounds to her body. In the aftermath of the fight, Zeus strips her of her title and everything she possessed, she must earn them back to which she accepts, Issei then checks Kunou for any injuries and he is happy that she is unarmed, Issei and Kunou then leave along with Zeus to head back to the Sitri Hospital where the others are waiting for him

Issei and Kunou walked through the portal alongside Zeus, Yasaka had tears in her eyes, Kunou called out to her

Kunou: Mother!!!!!

Yasaka embraced her daughter, she had tears in her eyes she held her daughter with the tenderness of a mother, after all she and Issei are the only things that she has left in this world

Yasaka: K-kunou, you are safe, I-I am glad nothing happened to you

Yasaka hugs her even more tightly, she knew that her daughter would be unharmed, she then released her daughter after a while and said

Yasaka: Ise, thank you, thank you for bringing our daughter back to us, you really are a true father, a man that cares for his children no matter what happens, I am so happy I chose you as my soulmate, I will always love you no matter what happens.

Issei then nodded and responded

Issei: I love you two, Yasaka and Kunou, as long as I am around no one will hurt you two, I will protect and stay by your side no matter what happens.

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