Chapter 11: Warmonger and a Hidden Secret

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Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

(A/N: Since the voting has ended, the victor chosen is Yasaka, but do not worry Tiamat will play an important role later on)

Previously we saw that Issei finally decides to reveal the past timeline to two of his mates, Sona Sitri and Raynare, he calls them before sleeping into his room to tell them about everything he has experienced so far from his reincarnation to the betrayal at the hands of Rias and some of his previous harem, resulting in both of the girls crying, they were crying at the fact that not only were their actions responsible for not only responsible for his past trauma but they also were unable to do anything to fix the problem. Issei hugs the duo and consoles them, seeing them cry is something of a sign that things are gonna be way different this time, he knew that they loved him more than anything else. Issei then decides to sleep with the girls while holding them in a protective manner promising himself that he is gonna protect them with their lives this time around and no one will take them away from him this time. The next day, both Issei and Raynare find Xenovia and Irina begging for money given that Irina fell to a Fraud and spent all of her money in a painting. Issei on finding this pitiful decides to give them some food which they gladly accept, Issei then suggests a sort of temporary alliance in an attempt to get the swords back and convincing to accept their offer, he then calls Saji, Koneko and Kiba to assist him since they will be needed in taking down the exorcists if possible. During nighttime, they all set out to track down the exorcists and successfully find and take him down for a while, that was until Valper Galleli, the mastermind behind the holy sword project came and assisted him and told Freed of a way to escape, which he performed, Kiba out of pure hatred tried to rush Valper only to get pushed back by the forcefield, leaving him injured, they both then flee from there given that they are outnumbered with Xenovia and Irina chasing after them

After the battle Issei tells the rest of his team to go to their respective houses, they managed to understand that they at the very least slowed whatever those exorcists were planning to do next, Issei cheered them up saying that despite their loses against the exorcists, they still did well and managed to slow down them before they could have initiated their plan before, he also told them that the two exorcists are giving chase to the rest before it is too late, so they will be on the run and will contact us before it is too late

Issei and Raynare then head home, only to find a worried Chara, Asia and Sona waiting for the duo ther

Sona: How did it go?

Issei: We only managed to slow them down

Raynare: It was going well until the stray priest Valper Galilei joined the fight and managed to flee before they could get caught.

Asia: But should you not have the advantage

Issei: We did, but being the cowards that they are they fled

Sona: I see, so what now?

Issei: They will begin the plan sooner or later, so we can relax for a while, speaking of relaxing I told the others to take rest, thankfully none of us were injured so we all made it out in one piece

Chara: We need to be careful on what they are planning, we cannot let our guard down especially with him around

Issei: You got that right lil sis, but for now let us sleep

All agree to Issei and they head towards their respective rooms to go to sleep

*Scene Break*

The next day 9:00 AM

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