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No. No!!!! This can't be true. I didn't see him. Please God, let this be a bad dream.

*But as Akshara closes the door behind her and takes a final glimpse at the man inside, she knows that her biggest fear has come true...*

Dr. Abhimanyu Birla. That's his name. Oh God! He's from THE BIRLA HOSPITAL.

But it never occurred to me that he was a doctor...he never mentioned anything when we-
Shut up Akshara! How many times do I have to remind you to not think of those 3 days? But never listen...and then you become what you are most afraid of- weak!

*With this, Akshara runs away from the office corridor*



"Dr. Birla...are you there?" Mr. Mehta calls Abhimanyu for the third time...

" Mehta, I'm so sorry" Abhimanyu replies absentmindedly...

"Do you need water?"

"" Abhimanyu says, still shocked over what happened...

*They both take a seat and discuss the collaboration between the NGO and Birla Hospital...

But all this while, Abhimanyu can't take the image of her innocent face out of his mind...

He knows that he won't be able to rest until he gets to know what's happening*

"Mr. Mehta, the girl who was just here...she was the one who spoke to me on call about the tie-up initially, right?" Abhimanyu cleverly frames his question...

"The girl....ohh you mean Akshara!
No, no Dr. Birla. Akshara is a volunteer doctor here...she just joined today and she's not even from Udaipur... You spoke to Maya the other day...why is there something wrong?" Mr. Mehta asks, concerned.

Akshara. Her name is Akshara. Or is it?
Is her name really Akshara?
Akshara kind of suits her though...

"No, no...there's no problem...thanks Mr. Mehta, I'll stay in touch with you" Abhimanyu smiles and leaves...



"It's okay sweetheart, you're all right! You're such a brave boy" Akshara pampers a little kid who fell down and hurt his knee...

*The kid stops crying and hugs Akshara*

"Akshara ma'am, you've been here for only a few hours...and you're already the kids' favourite...they love you!" The warden at the NGO says.

"Umm... They don't I mean they're just happy to meet someone new" Akshara fakes a smile.

I need to run. I should go before he- Abhimanyu comes here. I don't have any answers and I know he has tons of questions...

*Just as she's about to leave, she hears a familiar voice*



"Akshara..." He calls out her name...

*As soon as she hears it, she stops immediately*

"So...your name really is Akshara..." Abhimanyu smiles.

*Akshara stays quiet as Abhimanyu walks up to her...*

"Dr. Akshara... I never expected to meet you ever again" he says seriously...

"I-I don't know what you mean" she says without meeting his eyes.

"You very well know what I mean...Alia...oh I mean Akshara" Abhimanyu smiles cockily as Akshara gives him a death stare...

"Please Dr. Abhimanyu, I'd appreciate if you remain professional" she says annoyed.

"Well I agree, and since Dr. Akshara, you've signed the 30-day volunteering agreement that happens to be in collaboration with my hospital, let's talk work now...

I want a list of all the 178 children associated with this NGO along with their detailed medical history by 11 am tomorrow. Report to me at the Birla Hospital on time" he says in a business-like tone.

"I'll mail you the list-"

"No, I need you to submit it in person...
And these thoughts you're having about running away...." He stares at her while she looks back in shock...

"Yes, I can read your thoughts Dr. Akshara, wipe these thoughts out because the document you signed an hour ago, sealed your fate for the next 30 days..." Abhimanyu says and walks off, without looking at Akshara.

*She stands in silence, anger burning inside her...*



"Miss Maya, yeah I'm Abhimanyu Birla, we spoke the other day about the tie-up...yeah, I just spoke to Mr. Mehta about everything...

I need the details of the 24 doctors that are volunteering for the upcoming events... We generally run a background check of all the doctors associated with us...

Please send me all the details within an hour, yeah thanks..." Abhimanyu calls up the NGO woman and directs her.

Dr. Akshara, it's time to find some answers... Looking at you, I could make out that you won't give me any answers...

If it were for you, you would even refuse to recognise me...but not this time...this time I will decide the course of this story...


*When Abhimanyu reaches the hospital, he gets a mail from Maya with all the details of the volunteers...

He immediately searches for Akshara's details...

He finds out that her full name is Akshara Goenka and that she's 25 years old...

She has worked with more than 20 NGOs in the past two years...

But her permanent address and emergency contacts aren't listed.

Abhimanyu runs a Google search on the listed NGOs and notices that all of them are in different parts of the country...*

Who are you Akshara Goenka? What is with you travelling to a million places when you can easily get a good job with these brilliant grades...

Why do you keep running away Akshara?

I have questions and you're going to answer all of them.

I'll make sure that you do!

Author's Note: Hi guys, please share your feedback through the comments and do give the story a vote if you like it :')

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