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"Why did he have to show all that concern for me? He has a fiancée, right? Go, stay with her" Akshara fumes in anger as she lays in bed that night. 

"He wasn't engaged when we met...or was he? No, no. He would never do that. But then... he moved on so quickly...He found someone and even got engaged to her...

Why am I concerned? Why is this bothering me? I'm here in Udaipur for only a few days na... I'll go away as always" a tear rolls down her eye. 


"Akshara, as far as I know you, you won't stay here for a long time... I don't know exactly how many days I have to make you realise that we're meant to be together...But I do know that those days are numbered...

I just hope Sneha's plan works... I don't want to hurt you even a little bit but I need to do a few things to make you accept what's in your heart... 

And I know what I saw in your eyes a year back and what I saw in your expressions today, wasn't just nothing..." Abhimanyu keeps thinking and falls asleep. 



"Beta, I promise it won't hurt... you know if you take this injection, you'll become so strong that you can fight all the big, bad'll be a hero!" She tries to coerce a child into taking a vaccination shot. 

"Yes beta, you'll become a hero like Dr. Abhi" she hears a voice behind her and she turns to see Sneha and Abhimanyu walking into the vaccination camp venue. 

Sneha kneels down and whispers something in the child's ear and he starts laughing... 

"How's everything going, Dr. Akshara?" Abhimanyu asks. 

"Everything's under control, Dr. Birla" she replies sternly. 

"Abhi, let's go meet Mr. Mehta once, we need to leave for dinner" Sneha comes to Abhi and says. 

"Of course Sneha" he says in a cheesy manner but all his attention is focussed on watching Akshara's reaction. 

*She curls up her fists, holding the sides of her kurta tightly, trying to subdue her anxiety...

Abhimanyu holds Sneha's hand and they walk away together...* 


The next day, Abhimanyu asks Akshara to come to the Birla Hospital with the files of the vaccination drive...

As she knocks at the door of his cabin, she hears the sound of a woman laughing...

"Come in" she hears Abhimanyu calling but she knows he's not alone... 

*She sees Sneha and Abhimanyu having lunch and they're laughing at something...

Akshara is reminded of the day when she and Abhimanyu had lunch together in his cabin and tears well up in her eyes...* 

"Please join us, Akshara" Sneha smiles. 

"No, thank you" Akshara fake smiles and leaves...



"Sneha, do you really think we should continue with all this? I mean she's not reacting like we want her to... 

I know she's jealous because I've seen the change in her body language...but I don't want to hurt her...I just want her to accept her emotions" Abhi paces around nervously in his cabin. 

"Abhi, it'll take a little time but it will work. Trust me, if she loves you, she won't be able to see us together" 

"If you say so... but only a few more days...otherwise I'll tell her the truth and apologise" he says as he walks out of the cabin. 


"I'm not supposed to feel this way...I'm not supposed to be weak!!!" Akshara cries out as she walks back to the NGO. 

She walks to Mr. Mehta's office "Sir, I have a request... can I work overtime in the coming days and complete my volunteering project a few days earlier? I know that it will be a little difficult to manage but I need to go back home... there's an important-t issue that needs my presence." she requests. 

"Dr. Akshara, you know it doesn't work that way..." 

"Sir, I promise there will be no problem from my end, I'll complete all the paper work on time...but please allow me to opt for activities that are scheduled for the next two weeks." 

"Okay Akshara...but since this is not prescribed in the rules, I'll treat this as an exceptional case...

But make sure you do not tell anybody about it...because that will raise some serious questions about our volunteering program." 

"I won't tell anyone, sir..." Not like I have anybody to tell this to...

She walks back to her room and opens her laptop... she takes a look at the calendar...

"8th April" that's when I'll leave... 

She opens the website to book her flight ticket 

I never go to a place twice... but this time I need to! 

She books a ticket for Goa and shuts her laptop...

I don't go back to a place ever because it gives you a reminder of memories... but this time I need to go back to erase the memories that I built there... I need to forget you Abhimanyu...I need to forget you...But I'm afraid that in this process, I may end up losing myself...

Author's Note:

Hi Guys. 

I'm reaaally sorry for not posting an update for so long. I really needed a break to finish all the office work that had been piling up for so long. 

And now that I got a long weekend, I could finally write! 

Thanks for being so patient... Hope you like the update!

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