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*Akshara wakes up with a hand caressing her cheek... she smiles in her sleep as she feels Abhi's touch...

She slowly opens her eyes and sees Abhi, his head resting on one arm, looking at her with pure love in his eyes...

As he gets closer to kiss her, Akshara's phone interrupts them*

"I'll kill whoever is calling" Abhi rolls his eyes.

Akshara laughs and picks up the call and puts it on speaker...

"Hey, love birds, what's up?" They hear Siddharth's cheerful voice as he giggles and teases them..."

"Well I might murder someone for disturbing us at the wrong time" Abhi teases him back. 

"Oh well! Accha, just wanted to invite you both for breakfast today... Dadi has been constantly telling me to do it and don't even get me started on how excited Riddhima is! So, come soon, both of you, tada!" And he cuts the call. 

"Who's Riddhima?" Abhimanyu asks Akshara.

"Siddharth's sister. She's super cute, I've spoken to her on videocall a few times and she's a darling" Akshara smiles. 

"So are you" he kisses her forehead.



"Oh my God! He's way hotter in real life, the pictures don't do him justice!!!" Abhimanyu hears a girly voice squealing as he takes a seat at the sofa. 

*Akshara giggles as she hears the remark* "Looks like you have a fan in here too, Dr Birla" she laughs. 

Abhimanyu blushes and shushes her. 

Just then, a teenage girl, wearing a denim dress and sneakers walks out of the kitchen and gives him a mischievous smile.

"Hi, I'm Riddhima" She takes out her hand. 

"Hi I'm-" 

"Dr. Hottie, I know" she says in a flirty tone. 

"RiRi, come on" Siddharth laughs.

Riddhima hugs Akshara tightly "I'm so glad I'm finally meeting you" she says excitedly.

"You're lucky Akshara di, that I love you...otherwise..." she eyes Abhimanyu and laughs.

"You're also lucky I adore you, otherwise I'm a little too possessive about my guy" Akshara laughs too.

Abhimanyu blushes and turns deep red "Ahmm... I think I should help Dadi" he gets up...

"Well, well, helping me won't save you sweetheart, I might be a little older than you but I'm not immune to your charm" Dadi walks out of the kitchen and everybody starts laughing...

"But, you still can't beat my Raj" Dadi looks at Dadaji, and with one look, the entire room can sense the decades of love that prevails between them...

Akshara and Abhimanyu look at each other and they both think of the same thing "We'll too have this kind of love story"



*After a long and comfortable conversation with Dadi and Dadaji, Akshara steps out to see Siddharth, Riddhima and Abhimanyu playing football in the backyard and for the first time in forever, she can feel the presence of an actual, full-fledged family around her...

But instantly, she knows that there's one more person who's missing and should be with them...*


Akshara, Abhimanyu and Siddharth bid farewell to Siddharth's family...

While Akshara receives a special shagun from Dadi, Riddhima takes a promise from Siddharth that he'll soon call her to Udaipur after her exams...

As the three of them take off from the airport, Akshara's thoughts keep troubling her...

As Siddharth dozes off, she puts her head on Abhi's shoulder...

"Abhi" she whispers...


"I want to say something...but I'm afraid you'll get angry..." She looks into his eyes and takes a deep breath "Please talk to Sneha once" she whispers.

Abhimanyu's body goes rigid...

"Abhi please... she-she didn't want to hurt you" 

"I know Akshara, but- I don't think I can be friends with her, knowing that she...."

"Abhi, but don't you think this is unfair to her?"

"You tell me Akshara, will you be okay if I spend time with her, knowing how she feels for me?" His eyes focus on Akshara's...

"I-I won't let you go Abhi...not now, not ever... but I also can't take away her best friend from her...I know you too care about her so much...she's such an important part of your life...will you let her go so easily?"

In spite of his anger, Abhimanyu knows that Akshara is right... Sneha is too important for him...she's one of the closest people to him...but he does not have a clue on how to deal with this tricky situation...

"You're right Akshara, I'll speak to her when we reach home...

Which reminds me, you're no longer going to stay at the NGO Hostel...

While I'd prefer to get married to you today itself, I know you'd want some time...

So we'll go apartment hunting for you as soon as we get back" He kisses her forehead and she smiles and falls asleep...



Author's Note: Hi Guys, here's a light and fun chapter after all the drama...The story is reaching its end soon, so stay tuned!

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