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Two years later...


"You look absolutely beautiful, Sneha" Abhimanyu smiles. 

"Thanks Abhi, thank you for everything" she hugs him. 

"I'm so happy to see you glowing with happiness" Abhi wipes her tears. "Now, no more crying, or your would-be husband would kill me" Abhi mockingly rolls his eyes.  "Let's go... he's waiting" 

As Abhimanyu takes Sneha downstairs, he watches Akshara, laughing at something that Riddhima just said. Just looking at her smile makes him bubble up with love for his wife.

"Oh my God Sneha, you look gorgeous" Akshara hugs her. 

"Ahmm... excuse me Miss Akshara, can I get a minute to adore my fiancee?" Siddharth walks to Sneha and gives her a small kiss on the forehead. 

Akshara and Riddhima go "awwww" while Sneha blushes. 

Akshara then goes and stands next to Abhimanyu...

"See, I won the bet, they're getting engaged today" Akshara beams. 

"You know, when after out wedding you told me that you can sense something cooking between these two, I never believed it... 

In fact, for the entire next year, Sneha didn't acknowledge her budding feelings for Siddharth...

But then one day, when she told me about how Siddharth had confessed his feelings long back and that she had started falling for him too, I was so happy for both of them" Abhimanyu gives Akshara a side hug. 

"That's because when Sneha went away for two months before our wedding, it was Siddharth who gave her regular updates about everything, he even sent her pictures of everything she was missing out on... 

I guess he had fallen for her by then, but Sneha needed time, and I'm glad she took it...

Because look, here we are today, celebrating their relationship" Akshara gives Abhi a peck on the cheek...



The engagement ceremony ends on a spectacular note with everybody dancing their hearts out...

But by the end of the party, Akshara starts feeling restless...

The next day, she takes an off from the hospital as Abhi forces her to rest for at least a day.

As Akshara lies on her bed that afternoon, a sudden thought shakes her up...

She immediately calculates the time of her last period and realises that her period was due a week ago.

I missed my period. 

That...that rarely ever happens...

What if I'm- I'm- pregnant?

Without thinking for another second, she rushes to a pharmacy to collect a pregnancy kit. 

An hour later, she falls to the floor as the kit indicates a positive sign...

Tears stream down her face and a rollercoaster of emotions take over...




Akshara, where are you?" Abhimanyu rushes to the terrace after looking for her everywhere...

There he finds her, with her back facing him, staring at the stars...

"Akshara!" He gets a little angry "I've been calling you since forever, you've left your phone downstairs, what are you doing here?"

She jerks at the sudden voice and turns to face him...

As he watches her turn around, her eyes are swollen and tears keep falling down.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He rushes to her and cups her face.

"Akshara, tell me, you're scaring me" he begs. 

She hugs him and cries for minutes...

"Shhh....take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong Akshara. I promise I'll fix everything, just don't cry" he wipes her tears. 

"I- I won't be able to do it Abhi, I don't know how to do it...

I'll mess it up, Abhi-" she starts crying again.

"Baby, what are you saying?" 

"I'll mess up our child Abhi, I won't be a good mother... I-" she hiccups.

"Our child? Our... 

Akshara, you're pregnant?" He asks her as a small smile dances on his lips. 

"Yes" she whispers. "But-" 

"Shhh.... listen to me... Do you want to be a mother?"


"Just yes or no, baby" 

"Yes" she nods.

"Then you'll be the best mom ever, sweetheart" she kisses her forehead.

"But Abhi, I lost my mom so long ago, I barely remember anything...

And Manjari maa has put in more efforts for me than I have for her and-"

"That's what you think, but if you ask me, she'll say that you do more for her than anybody else...

Akshara, your heart is pure and our children are lucky that you'll be giving them birth"

She wipes her nose "Children?" 

"So you think we're stopping at one? Not a chance!" He laughs and hugs her.


8 months later...

"Thank you baby, thankyou thankyou thankyou" Abhimanyu places soft kisses on Akshara's lips and her forehead that's covered with sweat after a long, painful labour...

"Look at him, he's so tiny" A tear slips Abhimanyu's eye as he holds his baby boy for the first time...

As Akshara takes a look at her baby, she falls even deeper in love with her two men. 

"He has your eyes Abhi" she whispers...

"I hope he has your heart baby" he hugs his baby and his wife. 

"Guys, can we come in?" They hear noises from outside.

"Yes, come in everyone" Abhi laughs.

He holds the Mr. Tiny Birla in his arms as his family, Sneha and Sid all flood the room...

"Guys, meet our baby boy" he cries with joy.

As everyone takes turns holding the little bundle of joy, Abhimanyu's happiness is unparalleled. 

Later that night, as Akshara feeds the baby and he falls asleep, 

Abhimanyu holds Akshara in his arms and kisses her passionately. 

"I choose you Akshara, now and forever" 

"I choose you Abhi, and today I know that I had to lose my way in life... so I could find my way home"


Author's note: Hi guys, for one last time, do leave a feedback. 

Even if you've been a silent reader till now, I'd love if you can drop a comment as this story comes to an end today.

P.S Random question

If Abhira have a baby boy, what should be his name in the actual show? Drop your suggestions!

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