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22 March 2022


*Abhimanyu wakes up in a really bad mood after an awful night's sleep...the memories from a year ago haunted him all night and he couldn't just stop thinking about Akshara...

On one hand, he was angry. He was hurt. He needed answers.

On the other hand, he was reminded of Akshara's beautiful face when she had fallen asleep in his room...
And even yesterday, after more than a year, she looked the same...or if it was possible, she looked even more beautiful...

For several months Abhi had only one thought- If he ever came across Alia, he would never ever forgive her...

But in just one meeting, he felt his anger melting away...*

No Abhi. You cannot just forget everything. You deserve answers. She owes you that much...

And how can you even think of forgetting everything and forgiving her? Did you not see the way she behaves yesterday...like she didn't know you...like nothing had happened between you...

While Abhimanyu's thoughts are running wild, he is reminded of the fact that Akshara would be coming to the hospital at 11 to submit the reports...

He immediately rushes to get ready.



*Akshara had spent the entire night trying to soak in the reality that she had actually come across him... Abhimanyu.

While she stayed up all night to work on the reports, she tried hard to get her emotions in control.

She had spent the past year trying to erase the memory of that one place from her mind...

But even after travelling to more than 10 different places, she couldn't let go of the emotions that had captured her heart.

She told herself every single day that emotions are a sign of weakness and she should not be weak...

But Lord knows, she couldn't convince herself...*



*As Akshara reaches the hospital, the receptionist leads her to Abhimanyu's cabin...*

"You can wait inside, Dr. Abhimanyu will be here soon..." She says and leaves.

*As soon as Akshara enters the cabin, she sees a woman sitting on the chair behind the desk*

"Umm, excuse me-" she says.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The woman asks her.

"Actually, I'm a doctor with Sunshine NGO. I need to give these reports to Dr. Abhi-manyu" Akshara says, trying to hide the pain it causes her to take his name.

"Oh hi, I'm Sneha" the woman smiles. "You can give these to me, I'll give them to Abhi" she says as she gestures towards the reports.

"Uhh...thanks but this is really important and he asked me to submit it to him personally so..." Akshara tries to tell her.

"Typical Abhi." Sneha shakes her head and smiles. "Don't worry, he won't say anything if you give them to me" she tries to convince Akshara.


"Aree chill. I'm the last person you should doubt. After all, I'm Abhimanyu's fiancee" she laughs.

Fiancee. She's Abhimanyu's fiancee. His wife-to-be.

*Akshara starts to feel nauseous. It's as if all the emotions pent up inside her are trying to burst out.

She cannot believe what she just heard. She does not want to believe what she just heard.

Suddenly the phone's ring tone screams in the silence of the cabin*

"Excuse me" Sneha says as she moves out of the cabin to receive the call.

I need to go. I can't stay here. I need to go.

*Akshara can feel the tears well up in her eyes...

She puts the files down on the table and starts to rush out of the door when she collides with a hard chest...

As she is about to fall, a pair of strong arms hold her in place...*

"Trying to Run away, Akshara?" Abhimanyu says in a mocking tone while emphasizing the words -Run Away.

"Uhh...I..." Akshara tries to say something.

"It's okay...you don't have to explain anything...after all, you don't really give explanations while running away, do you?" Abhimanyu shoots daggers at her while uttering these words.

"Sir, the reports are on your table. Let me know if you need any other information" she says, trying to act all professional as she storms out of the office.

*She runs towards the exit and calls out for a taxi...

As soon as she sits inside it, she breaks down*

You see now Akshara. That's why I told you to stay away from all these emotions.
It's hurts now... doesn't it?

But why does it hurt even now? Why does it hurt at all? You left him without any explanation...then why does it bother you that he's getting married?

You swore to never get married, right? You don't want to get married or have any relationships, so why are you hurt now?

He's- he's engaged. Was he engaged when we-

Oh God! Please stop it. Please.

She cries under her tears run dry.

Once again Akshara. Once again you've cries because of him. You promised yourself you won't...but...look what's happened to you now...



"Abhi...oh you're here. Where's that girl-" Sneha says as she enters the cabin.

"She ran away." Abhi clenches his teeth.

"What?" Sneha asks, confused.

"Uh...I mean she gave me the files and went away." Abhi tries to cover up.

"Oh okay, she seemed sweet though" Sneha smiles. "By the way, I just received a call from Manjari maa...she wants us to be there for lunch in an hour."

"Alright." Abhimanyu says absent-mindedly, his thoughts still with Akshara...

Author's Note: Hi Guys, how are you?
Do let me know your feedback :")

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