The little things

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*Over the next few days, Abhimanyu takes utmost care of Akshara and she slowly recovers...

On the day of her discharge, Abhimanyu is adamant to not let her live alone in the NGO hostel*

"Akshara, you're coming to stay at my house, I've already told maa" he tells her.

"What? No! Abhi I can't-"

"You will and you are. I'm not letting you go back to live in the hostel alone"

"Abhi, I can't go to your house, please try and understand"

"Akshara, we need to talk and we need to do it now..." He says in a serious tone.

"I know about your past now...but where did you live before- before you came here?" He asks, nervously.

She senses the meaning behind his question "Abhi, if you're asking where my home is, I don't have one" she says, trying to hide the pain in her voice.

"That's not what I- I'm sorry" he says, pained by the thought of this...
"But Akshara, if you want to still travel constantly, we're doing it together...

And the next time you book tickets for Goa, book two!" He looks at her while she seems shocked.

"Yeah, I know how you were planning to go away to Goa" he smirks. She smiles guiltily.

"Now listen, you're coming to my house" he convinces her again.

"Abhi please listen, your family must be already shocked at your and Sneha's truth... let's not burden them with another tension..."

As Abhi tries to speak up, she continues "I want to come to your house when it becomes 'our' house Abhi, when that family becomes my family too" she smiles...

"You really mean that?" He asks, totally surprised.

"You mean, am I willing to offer that level of commitment?" She teases him.

"Uh, I mean...."

"Abhi, when I said I want to be with you, I meant long term... Trust me, I'll make a lot of mistakes...but for the first time, I feel like taking a chance" she hugs him and he hugs her back.

"So...take me to the hostel now" she kisses his cheek.

"Fine, but you're not staying there for too long...meanwhile I'll ask Siddharth to take care of you in my absence"

"Huh? Seriously? What happened to Mr. Jealous Birla?" She laughs.

"He has your best interest at heart. And I can't go against such a person" Abhimanyu explains.


*As Abhimanyu takes Akshara's hand and escorts her out of the room, they hear whispers in the corridor*

"Sneha ma'am is so sweet...why did Abhimanyu sir dump her for that newbie doctor?" A woman says.

"God knows! Sneha ma'am was perfect for him. I wonder where this kabab mein haddi came from" the other woman replies.

*Abhimanyu's anger flares as he sees the nurses gossip about his personal life and talk rubbish about Akshara*

"Have nothing better to do, both of you?" He grits his teeth.

"Uh, sir...uh" The nurses are shocked to hear his voice.

"Out!" He screams and they run away.

*Abhimanyu looks at Akshara who is teary eyed*


"I'm okay Abhi" she gives him a small smile. "Let's go!"


*Over the next two days, Akshara rests most of the time and also spends time with the NGO kids.

Abhi wraps up his daily work and meets her in the evening.

As the two of them, along with Siddharth and Sneha sit together in the evening, Akshara comes up with a request*

"Abhi... I wanna have a pizza, pretty please" she makes a puppy face.

"Akshara but"

"Please na, it's been so long" she fakes innocence.

"Alright, alright!" Abhimanyu gives in.

"I'll order" she almost jumps with excitement.

*As the order arrives, Akshara is as excited as a kid*

"Abhi, I've ordered our favourite! Sneha, Siddharth, you'll love it too" she smiles.

*As she opens the box and takes a slice, Abhimanyu notices how happy this little thing makes her*

"They sent the wrong pizza, na?" Sneha asks, confused.

"Why?" Akshara asks, taking a big bite.

"You said this is Abhi's favourite...but this one has corn and Abhi absolutely hates corn" Sneha laughs.

*Abhimanyu gestures for Sneha to keep quiet but by the time she understands the signal, the truth is out*

"Abhi, you don't-" Akshara things of the time when she ordered an extra corn pizza in Goa and Abhi ate it happily...

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks him.

"Because my choices changed. There were a lot of things that were different earlier, but trust me, I love corn now and I love you" he smiles and takes a big bite of the pizza slice.

"Are you sure?" Akshara asks, a little upset that she ordered a pizza that Abhi didn't like.

"About loving you and about loving the pizza? One hundred percent" he smiles.

"Awwwwwww" Siddharth and Sneha, go together and the four of them start laughing...

Author's Note: Hi guys, what's up?

Do let me know your feedback! :')

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