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*Akshara goes to her room and pulls out a notepad and pen... 

She knows that it's a big, big step and that Abhimanyu could easily say NO...

She tries to write down what she feels, paper after paper, but nothing does justice to her emotions...

Finally, she picks up the pen again...*


I know that I'm late and possibly too late but...





*As Abhimanyu reaches the venue of the event with his entire family, a weird feeling takes over him...

He looks at Sneha and she nods in approval of their final plan... they hold hands and walk in together...

But as he reaches the main door, he is left awestruck!

There in a red, floor length dress is his Akshara, smiling and talking to a kid who's eating ice cream... the natural blush on her face gives her an ethereal glow...

As the kid whispers something, she laughs in full blossom.

A wide, bright smile spreads across Abhimanyu's face as he watches her...

He turns towards Sneha and removes his hand from hers*

"Sneha, I don't want any plans or tricks to win her love...

Just look at her" he points towards Akshara "if our plan is going to take away that beautiful smile of hers...I don't want to get ahead with it...

I love her Sneha, I won't do anything that'll hurt her" he says with confidence and Sneha smiles and nods...

*As he moves inside the hall, Akshara's eyes meet with his and she smiles. 

Abhimanyu cannot believe his eyes... Akshara who didn't even look at him since the past few days, actually smiled at him! 


*As the party begins, Abhimanyu's attention is solely focussed on Akshara...

He sees her fidgeting nervously with a piece of paper in her hands...

She then puts it in her purse and takes a heavy breath*

What are you hiding Akshara...what has changed? He wonders.

As the host makes the announcement, the people get to the dance floor...

They dance in pairs, tapping to the tunes of a fun, bollywood song.

As the partners rotate, Abhimanyu catches hold of Akshara, who twirls and settles into his arms...

He looks at her...his eyes locked with hers and for the first time after that night in Goa, he sees that spark in her eyes...the spark when they had kissed, the spark when she hummed him to sleep...

A tear rolls down his eye and Akshara wipes it off... she gives him a teary-eyed smile and in that moment, Abhimanyu knows that he has found his way back home!

Just as he is about to say something, the host speaks up*

"Ladies and Gentleman, that was a beautiful performance" the crowd cheers. "Now, before we head for dinner, I'd like to request the head of the Birla Hospital- Mr. Harsh Vardhan Birla to kindly come up on the stage and say a few words..."

*Everybody's attention is now at Harsh, who starts talking about Birla Hospital's vision for the NGO Project. He talks about how the Birla Hospital is passionate about building an ecosystem where children from all spheres of life, get equal opportunities and facilities...

The crowd cheers and claps as his speech comes to an end...*

"Ladies and Gentleman...before I leave the stage tonight, I would like to make this occasion even more special by making a huge announcement!" Harsh says. 

He continues "I'd like to invite my son, Dr. Abhimanyu Birla on stage..." the crowd erupts with applause. 

*Abhimanyu turns towards Akshara, gives her a smile and walks on the stage* 

"Friends, my son has already done me proud by being the best cardiologist this city has ever seen...

But today, he has made me even more happier...

Because he has finally decided to tie the knot with his childhood sweetheart! 

Sneha beta, please come on stage" Harsh looks at Sneha, who stands there, shocked to the core. 

"Dad, I-" Abhimanyu feels like the earth has been swept away from under his feet...


He has finally decided to tie the knot with his childhood sweetheart! 

*The words echo in Akshara's mind, over and over again...

The three most beautiful days of her life in Goa come rushing back to her....

She is reminded of Abhimanyu's smile when he left for the stage...*

You are an idiot, Akshara! YOU ARE AN IDIOT! 

"His childhood sweetheart"...

Akshara does not even have the strength to look at Abhimanyu one last time... 

She takes a few steps back and sees the tears fall down...

She turns around and runs away...


*Abhimanyu stands numb on the stage as his dreams crash before his eyes...

As Harsh invites Sneha on stage, Abhimanyu looks at Sneha who is equally shocked...

Abhimanyu immediately looks at Akshara and sees her moving back, her head held low and her lip quivering...

Before he can react, she turns around and runs away...

As Abhimanyu tries to run after her, the media surrounds him and starts clicking pictures while the crowd cheers on.

But even in the roar of the crowd, he can hear a sound loud and clear- the sound of his heart breaking*

Author's Note: Soooo guys, what do you think will happen next?

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