The moment of Truth

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"Hi Akshara" Abhimanyu walks into the room with a bouquet of roses...

*He places it on the table beside her bed and sits down next to her*

"Come on now, get up quickly" he holds her hand...

"See, I didn't want to take a shower... but I did it so you wouldn't complain on waking up... get up now" he caresses her bruised cheek. 

"Oh that's what you worries, I've told the staff to get my luggage because I'll be staying here only... so if you wanna stay here, I'm not leaving you alone, huh" 

*He spends the entire day, talking to her, checking up on her and trying to control his tears...

Around midnight, he falls asleep holding her hand...*


*It's been four days since Akshara's surgery...while Abhi did not go home for even a minute, he had to fulfill his obligations as a doctor...

He spent the entire day, busy in his work while regularly checking up on Akshara...

And at night, he would just keep staring at her, until sleep took over...

The doctors were monitoring her continuously and on day 3, when she moved her fingers for a micro second, they reassured Abhimanyu that she would wake up soon.

As Abhi holds Akshara's hand and almost sleeps on the chair next to her bed for the fifth consecutive night, he feels a slight movement... 

As he raises his head, he sees Akshara opening her eyes... 

"Akshara" he cries in joy...

*But his joy is short lived as Akshara's weak hand tries to get away from his hold...*

"Akshara, shh..please, don't move so much" he tries to stop her.

"Leave me" she whispers coldly. 


"Leave me alone Abhimanyu" he turns her face away from him and a tear rolls down her eye. 

"Akshara, please don't say that" he begs. 

"I said, leave me alone!" she tries to pull her hand away from his, causing her pain. 

"No, no! Akshara, don't move!" he begs desperately. 

"Either you leave or I will" she whispers with much effort. 


"You're a cheater! You played with me, you broke my heart! You did it all!" she screams in pain. 

"Shhh...Akshara, I'll explain all of it" he cries. 

*As she tries to remove her drip, he stops her*

"Okay...okay, Akshara I'll go...." he says, heartbroken. "But I won't run away Akshara. I'll be here with you, for you...I'm leaving for now but you can't push me away forever!" he walks out. 

*Akshara spends the next hour weeping silently but slowly her body becomes too weak to bear it and she falls asleep...*



*The next morning, the doctors run a thorough check on Akshara and she finally gains complete consciousness...

She tries to take her mind off Abhi but fails miserably... 

Abhi does not even visit her once since the previous night.

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